U.S. History Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus journeys to the Americas

    Columbus journeys to the Americas
    Columbus sailed to the Americas to find a passageway to India and China. Europe was able to colonize the new world because of this "discovery
  • Jamestown founded

    Jamestown founded
    In 1607 the first sucessful British settlement was founded in Virginia. The Jamestown settlement made a lot of money from growing tobacco
  • Pilgrims land in Plymouth

    Pilgrims land in Plymouth
    In 1620 the pilgrims landed in Plymouth Massachusetts. The pilgrims established a religious freedom colony called Plymouth. Plymouth became one of the first successful permanent colonies in the New World.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war was a 7 year war fought between the French and the Natives vs. the British and the British Colonies. The British gained land to the Mississippi river and during the war the king salutary neglected the colonist allowing them to be self governed which would lead to the American Revolution.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    The Albany Plan of Union was a plan proposed by Benjamin Franklin to unite all the colony into one central government to fight the French and Indian war. The plan would have made the colonies much stronger together then apart.
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    Treaty of Paris 1763
    The Treaty of Paris was a document signed by the British and the French stating that the French and Indian war was over and they were now at peace. The British gained a lot of land and gained the access to the Mississippi River.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 was a law that stated that no colonists could settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. Because of the Salutary Neglect from the king over the 7 year war the colonist ignored the law and this was the start of the colonies ignoring the king.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    After the war the British was in huge debt so they past the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was a tax on all paper. The colonists stopped paying for the tax and one group even beat up one tax collector. This act made the colonist even more angry with the king.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was a act that stated colonist must provide candles, firing, bedding, cooking utensils, salt, vinegar, and beer or cider to the troops. The king hoped the troops would make the colonist pay the paper tax, but the colonist still refused to pay it. The colonist became even angry because of the troops coming to take their stuff when there wasn't a war going on.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend Act was a tax on all imports coming to America. The colonies found a way around this tax by relying on each other to supply things instead of the British supplying everything for the colonies. This made the king mad so he cancelled the Massachusetts Assembly.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    While guarding the Boston Customs House British soldiers shoot into a crowd of protesters and killed 3 men and injured 8 men. The Colonies became more angry with the British after this moment.
  • Tea Act 1773

    Tea Act 1773
    The tea act was a act where only the East India Company could sell tea to the colonist and the tea that was sold was taxed. This made the colonist angry and they started to smuggle tea which made the king.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    One night in December 116 people dressed up as native Americans and snuck on to a British tea ship. The colonist threw all of the tea on the ship into the harbor. When this news got back to the king he became angry and punished the colonist by the Intolerable Acts.
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    The intolerable act was 4 acts (Boston Port Act,Massachusetts Government Act, Impartial Admin of Justice Act, and the Quartering Act) passed by the king to punish the colonist for the Boston Tea Party. The acts closed the Boston harbor, allowed British troops to take shelter and food from the colonist, and made court trials very difficult in colonies.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    It was 13 reps from 12 colonies discussing about the new acts (Intolerable Acts) and they discussed their relationship with great Britain. They sent letter to the king trying to convince him that they didn't have to fight.
  • Battle of Lexington

    Battle of Lexington
    It was the first battle of the American Revolution America vs the British. It marked the start of the American revolution.
  • Battle of Concord

    Battle of Concord
    It was the first battle in the American revolution and it marked the start of the war meaning no turning back.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    60 people came to together from the colonies and became the new government for the 13 colonies. The second continental congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 2, 1776.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    This was a war between the British and The Patriots. This revolution gave freedom the the 13 colonies from England. Some big battles throughout the war were Bunker Hill, Trenton, Saratoga, Brandywine, and Yorktown.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was a letter sent to the king from the colonies begging the king to not go to war with them. The king turned them down which made the colonist angry with him so the colonies decided that the only option was to fight
  • Common Sense by Thomas Paine

    Common Sense by Thomas Paine
    The Common Sense by Thomas Paine was papers stating that if the king won't accept us again he wasn't a good leader to begin with and we don't need him anymore. This act forced the rebellion leaders to declare independence with Great Britian and that started the American Revolution.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a document stating that the 13 colonies are breaking away from Britain. This document gave the colonist Independence from British rule.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    The Treaty of Paris was document signed by the British stating that the revolutionary war was over and the 13 colonies won. This gave the 13 colonies two times the amount of land they already had and gave them independence from England.
  • The constitution

    The constitution
    James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay wrote a paper called the constitution. The constitution was a set of rules that explained how the country and state worked in the US.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    In 1794 western farmers were sick of the tax on whiskey so they started a rebellion. 500 farmers surrounded a tax collectors house and threatened to kill him if he did not get rid of the tax. George Washington sent them a letter explaining that military was marching over to stop them. The farmers decided that is was not worth loosing their lives.The whiskey rebellion showed that the government was not afraid to use force in order to keep the country in order.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a war between America and Britain.
    From 1793 to 1812 Great Britain was kidnapping sailors and forcing them into the British army and they were destroying American trading ships. America was sick of their people being forced to work in the british navy and all of their supplies being destroyed so they decided that they were going to declare war against Britain. This war was important because it showed that America was just as strong as the mighty british army.