Us history 470x230

U.S. History Timeline

  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act of 1765 was the fist of two, the second happened in 1774. These acts were given by the British to the American colonies. They required the Americans to give the British soldiers any food or housing. The Americans found this a violation of the Bill of Rights of 1689 and it eventually let them to fight for freedom.
  • The Beginning of the Revolutionary War

    The Beginning of the Revolutionary War
    The Revolutionary War began in April of 1775, British soldiers engaged gunfire with colonist at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. This was just the beginning of the start of a new nation. The colonists were done being pushed around by the British so they did something about it in this war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Declared America no longer under British rule. This was a big step for the U.S. in becoming completely independent. The Declaration of Independence was basically the start of a new life.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The first "real" outline for America's first government. There was some conflict with this because the national government had little to no power. This was rather important because it started our beginning to our first government.
  • End of the Revolutionary War

    End of the Revolutionary War
    General Cornwallis was forced to surrender because he was surrounded in Yorktown, Virginia. Two years later the Treaty of Paris was signed; freeing America and leaving them independent.
  • Fighting the War of 1812

    Fighting the War of 1812
    The U.S. declared war on Britain in hopes to stop impressment and arming the Indians. This war started the end of British attack on Indians. This was also the start of a few years of battle against to British.
  • The end of The War of 1812

    The end of The War of 1812
    The British and U.S. signed a peace treaty, The Treaty of Ghet, it didn't grant either side land which made the British mad so they attacked in New Orleans; the British were defeated. During the time of this war, the national anthem was made by Francis
    Scott Key.
  • President James Monroe

    President James Monroe
    while James Monroe was president, he made the Monroe Doctrine. He was worried that other European countries would invade America. This doctrine stated that the U.S. would stay out of Europe if Europe stayed out of the Americas
  • American Flag

    American Flag
    Congress passed a law stating that the flag should have 13 stripes for the 13 original colonies. A star would be added for each state that joined the union. The flag is now a big statement piece for the U.S. as it is easily recognizable.
  • Slavery

    Slavery was a big issue in the United States, many southern states had slaves and it became a big problem. Slaves wanted to be freed while slave owners obviously didn't want them to be free. Slavery adds a large amount of history to the U.S. because it went on for so long.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War was the result of long standing sectional differences and unanswered questions when the U.S. constitution got ratified.The Civil War had many firsts like America's first income tax. It was a very big and eventful war.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln put in place the Emancipation Proclamation. This abolished slavery and made it illegal or something to have slaves. It changed history forever because now slaves were not supposed to be a thing which was really good for the U.S.
  • Battle at Gettysburg

    Battle at Gettysburg
    Union victory that stopped Robert E. Lee's invasion of the North. It was a three day battle that killed more than 50,000 men. If this battle wouldn't have happened the turn out of the U.S. could've been so different.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    Confederate General Kirby Smith signed the surrender terms offered by the Union. With that surrender the bloodiest four years came to an end.The Confederacy was defeated and the war let 620,000 union and confederate soldiers dead.
  • Lincoln is dead

    Lincoln is dead
    President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. President Lincoln went to a theater show when he was shot in the head. This was a tragedy for the U.S.