U.S. History Timeline

By 44828
  • President Mckinley assassinated

    The result of this assassination was that Teddy Roosevelt became the 26th President
  • Muckrakers

    Writers who expose big business corruption
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    set food quality standards
  • Panama Canal

    Connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (opens in 1914)
  • Henry Ford introduces the Model T

    Assembly line was built
  • 16th Amendment and 17th Amendment

    Establishment of income tax
    Direct election of senators
  • World War 1 begins in Europe

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated which kicked off the war
  • German U-Boat sinks British passenger liner Lusitania Sunk

    Americans were killed that were on board
  • Germany continues unrestricted submarine warfare

    U.S. warns them to stop
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Intercepted by British, asks for Germany/Mexico alliance against U.S
    U.S joins war
  • Selective Service Act

    Establishes the Draft
  • Fourteen Points By Woodrow Wilson

    14th pt most important- Calls for The League of Nations
  • 18th Amendment

    Outlaws purchase, sale, and transport of alcohol
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Ends WW1; calls for heavy reparations on Germany, disarmament, and the creation of the League of Nations; U.S. Senate rejects it
  • 19th Amendment

    Women's suffrage(right to vote
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Exposes massive corruption in Harding Administration
  • Charles Lindbergh

    Completes world's first solo flight across Atlantic- seen as a hero
  • Stock Market Crash

    Black Tuesday- Launches Great Depression
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected President

  • Bonus Army(wwi vets)

    March on Washington demanding compensation- forced out
  • U.S. unemployment rate reaches 25%

    FDR claims Bank Holiday to fix banks
  • 21st Amendment

    Repeals 18th amendment (prohibition)
  • Wagner Act

    supports union rights,protects collective bargaining
  • Social Security Act

    Establishes funds for unemployed and elderly
  • World II

    Germany invades Poland
    U.S. attempts isolationism from war in Europe
    December 7, 1941- Japan bombs Pearl Harbor-U.S. enters the War
    Battle of Stalingrad-seen as war's turning point for allied victory
  • FDR elected for unprecedented 3rd Term

  • Battle of Midway

    U.S. Defeats japan, Seen as turning point of the war
  • Manhattan Project

    Creation of the first Atomic Bomb
  • FDR dies

    Harry Truman becomes president
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide
  • U.S. drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Japan Surrenders
  • Germany surrenders on V-E DAY

    Victory in Europe
  • United Nations

    created with 51 founding nations
  • Iron Curtain

    Describes division of communist eastern europe from western europe
  • Marshal Plan

    postwar economic recovery to help Western europe; largest relief aid given by U.S. in U.S. history
  • Truman Doctrine

    U.S. intent to fight Communism by helping free nations resist it.
  • Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift

    USSR blocks all aid into West Berlin;- U.S. drops food and supplies by air to West Berlin
  • Harry Truman Desegregates the military

  • Korean War begins

    U.S. aids south korea against north korea; Peace Treaty in 1953