U.S History Mini Project

  • The Telegram

    Telecommunication began in the early 1800s with the invention of the telegram. It became widely used as the result of the invention of the Morse code by Samuel Morse in 1835. The first thing said on the telegram was "what has God wrought"
  • The introduction to the first telephone

    The telephone is one of the most popular forms of telecommunication ever. It was invented by Alexader Gram Bell in 1876, the introduction to the telephone changed the world. It allowed easy fast communication.
  • The radio

    Over a decade later the radio was introduced. The radio allowed communication from one person to multiple people through the use of radiowaves.
  • Use of the radio during WW2

    Access to the radio allowed extremely fast communication between command and troops. But it also helped the home front be involved in the war too with Roosevelts "fire side Chats."
  • Telegraph in WW2

    The telegraph was still a widely used form of communication but to send back and forth fast communication they would have specific people who sat at the telegraph w=that were proficient and fast at send and understanding incoming messages.
  • Telephones during WW2

    Made fast and easy communication from very long distances. the telephone was extremely popular and helpful during the war and only became more popular once it ended, starting a whole new ear to telecommunication
  • Navajo Code talkers

    During WW2 the U.S needed a way to communicate and not allow the axis power to understand. so the U.S created a group of native Americans that made their own code words. They were extremely successful and the axis power never cracked their code.
  • The internet opens up to the world

    The U.S department o defense was the original funder of the internet. The internet would change the world in a way nobody would have imagined. This mad e the world much smaller, allowing people from across the world to communicate with each other.
  • The first Apple smart phone is released.

    Not knowing it this created a whole new market and would change the world. The addition and impact of the smartphone a first were small but as it progressed it would become essential to our daily lives.
  • Cell Phones in present day

    In the present day, the cell phone has become a major part of our lives, and it only seems to get worse as time grows. Smartphones now have everything you need on them, they are no longer just a phone. Remember when your old math teacher used to say you won't have a calculator everywhere you go? Well, they were wrong.