
Exposure to Traditional and New Media

  • Period: 1000 BCE to

    Pre-Industrial Age

    Fire was discovered, plants were used to make paper, and stone, bronze, copper, and iron were used to make weapons and tools.
  • 100 BCE


    Paper is a thin nonwoven material made traditionally from a blend of milled plant and textile fibers. It is commonly white and is used for writing, artwork, and packaging. The first papermaking process was documented in China during the Eastern Han period , with the court official Cai Lun being credited with it. PI: Paper was one of the most used media for me where used to communicate myself through drawings and develop my skills in creativity, arts, writing and etc.
  • Newspaper

    The modern newspaper was created in Europe. The oldest direct handwritten news sheets, dating back to 1566 and regularly circulated in Venice. These weekly news brief were filled of information about Italy's and Europe's wars and politics. From 1609, the first printed newspaper were published in Germany on a weekly basis. PI: Newspapers are rarely used by the recent generation and is used mostly to report on more local news. But people like myself now like to use them for art like paper mache.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Age

    People developed machine tools, established iron production, and began producing a variety of products using steam power (including books through printing press)
  • Magazines

    A magazine is a type of periodical publication that is printed on both glossy and matter paper. Magazines are published on a regular basis and cover a wide range of topics. Advertising, a purchase price, prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of the three are commonly used to fund them. PI: Magazine are not used as much as before but it is still made to update on the latest trends, technologies, styles, and news on politics, celebrities, sports and more. I also use them for art like collages.
  • Braille

    Braille is a touch-reading and writing system for blind people. It has punctuation mark equivalents as well as symbols to show letter groupings. Braille is read by moving the hand or hands along each line from left to right. Reading is usually done with both hands, with the index fingers doing the majority of the work. PI: It can be seen in many places and can be used by anyone who knows the system. I tried once to learn the alphabet but it was confusing for me but it still peaked my interest.
  • Photography

    Photography as we know it today began in France in the late 1830s. A portable camera obscura was used by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce to expose a pewter plate coated in bitumen to light. This is the 1st time an image has been recorded that hasn't faded quickly. PI: One of the most used media today and is an art form used to capture events, moments, and anything and everything that can be pictured by a camera. The photos I take are usually shared on social media to show experiences and adventures.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Morse Code is one of two systems for using dots, dashes, and spaces to represent letters of the alphabet, numerals, and punctuation marks. Electrical pulses of varying lengths or analogous mechanical or visual signals, such as flashing lights, are used to transmit the codes. American artist and inventor Samuel F.B. Morse invented one of the systems for electrical telegraphy in the United States. PI: I liked secret conversations as a child so I learned Morse code and still know some of it today.
  • Typewriter

    Thomas A. Edison invented the first electrically operated typewriter, which consisted of a printing wheel, in 1872, and later evolved into the ticker-tape printer. James Smathers invented the electric typewriter as an office writing machine in 1920. PI: Typewriters are the early ways of printing on paper and one of the examples of where keyboards were used before computers were made. I saw one and liked the sound of the keyboard of it and it fits an aesthetic I like.
  • Telephone

    The acoustic tin can telephone connects two diaphragms with a taut string or wire that transmits sound from one to the other via mechanical vibrations along the wire. Sound transmission through pipes or other physical media was used in the first mechanical telephones. It is also known as the "lovers' phone". PI: These are now commonly used for companies or home telephones. Generations today don't commonly use this because of smart phones. We have one in one of our houses and it is very useful.
  • Radio

    Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist, was the first to identify and study radio waves in 1886. Italian Guglielmo Marconi developed the first practical radio transmitters and receivers around 1895–1896, and radio began to be used commercially around 1900. PI: Radio are now commonly used to update on news. It is also used to stream music. I like the radio because of how portable it can be nowadays and the many stations they have.
  • Motion Pictures with Sound

    Motion Pictures with Sound
    The primary steps in the commercialization of sound cinema were taken in the mid-to-late 1920s. At first, the sound films which included synchronized dialogue, known as "talking pictures", or "talkies", were exclusively shorts. The earliest feature-length movies with recorded sound included only music and effects. PI: The most famously known motion pictures actor by many today is Charlie Chaplin. Motion pictures with sound is one of the early forms of movies and tv shows of today.
  • Television

    Television was conceived as a possible medium for education and interpersonal communication in the early twentieth century. Charles Francis Jenkins created the first mechanical television station, W3XK, which broadcasted its first program on July 2, 1928. It is the transmission of moving images and sound from a source to a receiver via electronic means. PI: Today, TVs are used to show TV show, movies, documentaries, entertainment and news updates. Smart TVs can also be used as a very big phone.
  • Period: to

    Electronic Age

    The transistor's invention ushered in the electronic age. The transistor radio, electronic circuits, and early computers were all created as a result of people harnessing the power of transistors. Long-distance communication became more efficient in this era.
  • Walkie Talkie

    Walkie Talkie
    Since their inception, walkie-talkies and two-way radios have come a long way. There are numerous shapes, colors, sizes, and features from which to choose. Many adults and children use them for recreational purposes, and a number of businesses and organizations still rely on them. PI: This is one of the early examples of portable telephones and this is used for long distance communications. As kids, we liked to pretend these were our phones just that of our parents.
  • Photocopier

    A photocopier is a machine that makes paper or plastic film copies of documents and other visual images. Most modern photocopiers use xerography, a dry process that transfers toner particles (a powder) onto paper in the form of an image using electrostatic charges on a light-sensitive photoreceptor. PI: Today, this is used for the same purpose but not as widely used because of the digitalization and innovation of scanning but it still is very useful for the request of hardcopy materials.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    A personal computer is an interactive electronic device designed for individual use. The microcomputer revolution of the 1970s ushered in the history of the personal computer. Individual personal computers became affordable consumer goods after the development of the microprocessor. Early personal computers were frequently sold as electronic kits in small quantities. PI: PCs are now used for a variety of things and is widely used by people for work, school, and recreational activities.
  • LCD projectors

    LCD projectors
    In 1972, an early prototype of an LCD projector was shown at the SID Conference. It was designed by Peter J. and consisted of a modified slide projector with a matrix-addressed LCD. Another inventor, Gene Dolgoff, had been working on an LCD projector since the late 1960s. PI: Projectors I know were used in classrooms to present PowerPoints and to have a bigger visual aid for students.
  • E-mail

    In the 1960s, email became widely used. The invention of networked email is credited to Ray Tomlinson. In 1971, he created the first system that allowed users to send mail across the ARPANET. This was the form that was known as email by the mid-1970s. PI: Email is now widely used for the instant messaging it has and is used by schools almost everywhere for the reason of it being online and having instant messaging features. I also use it to send small files to my peers and friends.
  • Mobile Phones

    Mobile Phones
    Engineers at AT&T developed cells for mobile phone base stations in the 1940s, which led to the invention of mobile phones. The very first cellphones were not even cellphones. They were two-way radios that allowed taxi drivers and emergency responders to communicate with one another. PI: The next type of portable telephone available for everyone. Used for the same purpose of long distance communication.
  • Portable Computers

    Portable Computers
    A portable computer is one that can easily be moved from one location to another. The IBM 5100, which weighed 50 pounds (23 kilograms) and was introduced in 1975, was the first commercially available portable computer. Laptops were replaced by lighter models, and by the 2000s, mobile devices and, by 2007, smartphones had rendered the term almost obsolete. PI: Laptops or portable computers are still used today and more commonly used by students and workers to do there work anywhere they go.
  • Period: to

    Information Age

    The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) began in the mid-twentieth century and was marked by a rapid epochal shift from traditional industry established by the Industrial Revolution to an economy based primarily on information technology. The invention of transistor technology coincided with the beginning of the Information Age.
  • Compact Disc

    Compact Disc
    In 1979, the compact disc (CD) was created. Before the advent of online music, it was the most advanced method of storing and playing music. It was estimated that 200 billion CDs had been sold worldwide on the 25th anniversary of its first public release in 1982. PI: CDs are not as used as much nowadays because of the availability of hard drives and USBs which is smaller and lighter compared to CDs.
  • Internet

    With the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, in the late 1960s, the first working prototype of the Internet was born. ARPANET, which was originally funded by the United States Department of Defense, used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate over a single network. PI: Internet is one of the most important media for me today because of online school and it is one of the ways I socialize with others
  • Web Browsers

    Web Browsers
    The first web browser, called WorldWideWeb and later renamed Nexus, was created by Tim Berners-Lee. Marc Andreessen's Mosaic browser, released in 1993, is credited with igniting the internet craze of the 1990s. Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Edge are the most popular web browsers today. PI: One of the medias I use most to get information, entertainment and communication. Chrome is my most used browser and probably the first app I open when getting ready for school.
  • Smart Phones

    Smart Phones
    A smartphone is a mobile phone that also functions as a computer. They send and receive emails, text, photos, and multimedia messages. Other functions include playing games, video chat, mobile payment for goods or services, barcode scanning, photography, and video recording. They can also be used as a torch to make light in dark areas or to take and search notes. PI: Phones are now one of the requirements to have a better and easier life especially when communicating and getting information.
  • Wearable Technology

    Wearable Technology
    Wearable electronic devices (electronic devices with microcontrollers) are smart electronic devices that are worn close to and/or on the skin's surface. They detect, analyze, and transmit data about body signals like vital signs, as well as ambient data. PI: One of the most famous wearable technology is smart watches and an example of this is the apple watch that is basically an iPhone that you can wear on your wrist.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Since its inception, social media has been used by billions of people. People can easily connect with others through social media from anywhere as long as they have cell phones, tablets, computers, and an internet connection. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are just a few of the most well-known social media platforms in use today, with Facebook topping the list. PI: I use social media everyday as entertainment and form communication. YouTube and TikTok are some of my most used social media.
  • Microblogs

    While most people associate microblogging with online writing, it dates back to the 18th century, when men and women kept small pocket journals. Microblogging and these journals share four characteristics: limited sharing, short length, content, and an informal narrative style. PI: I, personally don't use the medium of microblogging as much but it is one of the medias I use for expression and entertainment.