U.S. History II 1942-1953

  • D-Day takes place

    In hopes to surprise the Germans, the Allied forced storm the beaches of Normandy, France.
  • Franklin Roosevelt Dies

    Standing President Franklin Roosevelt dies and Harry Truman becomes president.
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicides

    Adolf Hitler commits suicided after the advancement of Allied troops.
  • Victory over the Axis Powers is declared in Europe

    Due to the death of Hitler, victory within Europe is declared.
  • United Nations meet for the first time

    A post-war vision, the United Nations meet for the first time.
  • Marshall Plan enacted

    The Marshall Plan, used to help economic downfalls within Europe, is enacted by the United States congress.
  • Korean War begins

    Due to the issue over communism, the Korean war takes place.
  • Joseph Stalin dies

    Soviet Union leader, Joseph Stalin dies unexpectantly.