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U.S history final

  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    America and Vietnam were in a war due to the Vietnamese resisting against America. The war was fought in Vietnam and ended in their victory. As a result south Vietnam annexed from the north.
  • Interracial schooling Little Rock Nine

    Interracial schooling Little Rock Nine
    At this time blacks and whites still had separate schools, but they were far from equal. Whites had better schooling and it wasn't easy for black students to get a good education. So as a test nine African American student went to a high school in Little Rock that was an all white school to get the education deserved, but were denied entry because of the colour of their skin. Link text
  • Man on the moon

    Man on the moon
    In a Space race between the US and USSR the United States won by being the first country to have a man land on the moon. With a lot of practice and testing NASA was finally successful with the Luna 2 mission. Link text
  • President assassination

    President assassination
    President John F Kennedy was sadly assassinated being shot two times. The incident was seen by thousands while he drove down the street in his car with his wife unaware of what was coming. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for his death, but many still to this day wonder the reasoning and if he was hired. Link text
  • Blacks rising up

    Blacks rising up
    During the civil rights movement many groups were formed for the safety for blacks. They were all different and varied in how they were ran, but they all had the same goal. One of these groups was The Black Panther Party. This group patrolled black neighbourhoods and protected blacks from police brutality. This party was founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, in Oakland California. Link text
  • Second brother dies

    Second brother dies
    After the assassination of JFK his younger brother Robert Kennedy started his presidential campaign march 16 1968. After his campaign began only a few months later he too was killed. A man named Sirhan Sirhan was arrested for the crime.
  • Wallace shooting

    Wallace shooting
    George Wallace was shot at in attempt to be assassinated. The shooter was identified as Arthur Bremer. Wallace survived the shooting but unfourtunately was paralyzed from the waist down. Link text
  • Suspicious hotel activity

    Suspicious hotel activity
    The Watergate scandal was a political scandal. There was a break in at the Democratic National Comittee headquarters, at the watergate complex. At the time Richard Nixon was president and him and his administration were trying to cover it up. When he was discovered he left office and Gerald Ford became president. Link text
  • The Storm

    The Storm
    The most intense tropical cyclone emerged from Africa, and was named Hurricane Carmen. It was at category 4 storm and it's damage was widely spread. The storm lasted about 3 long weeks and everything in its path was affected. Link text
  • More shots at Ford

    More shots at Ford
    For the second time Gerald Ford almost lost his life. He survived his first assassination attempt September 5th 1975, and only a few days later he was shot at again. Link text
  • Apple investment

    Apple investment
    Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak started up the apple company together. By 2001 the company was a major hit and made a large amount of money. Still to this day the Apple Company is widespread and their products are owned thousands across the world.
  • Reagan gets shot at

    Reagan gets shot at
    At the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C Ronald Reagan was shot at in an attempt to assassinate him. John Hinckley Jr. shot at the president multiple times but the last shot the bullet bounced of his limo and hit him on the chest. Luckily he survived and lived as the 40th president of the United States. Link text