Tyra and Tori's U.S. History Timeline

By tori&ty
  • Abraham Lincolin became president

    He believed in racial equality. He believed everyone was the same no matter what color their skin was! Hes the reason we don't have slaves today.
  • South Carolina is the first union succeeded from the union.

    South Carolina kind of "divorced" the government.... the south was happy as a slave state and didnt want the government to mess with them.
  • General Picrre led the confederate troops to fire the first shot in the civil war.

    The Confederate side was the side that was for slavery... they fought aginst the Union (who won freeing the slaves) who was the side that was fighting for freedom!
  • Confederate Victory at Bull Run

    Confederate general Thomas Jackson defeated the Union army at Bull Run winning the first first major battle of the
    Civil War.
  • New Orleans Captured by the Union

    Union ships travel up the Mississippi river to capture New Orleans... the souths greast sea port.
  • General George McClellan stops the northern advance of Lee's armies

    It was the single bloodiest day of the war. About 26,000 men are killed.
  • Union General William Sherman captures Atlanta

    this helped boost Union morale and helped President Lincolin get re-elected.
  • U.S Congress passes 13th amendment

    U.S Congress passes the 13th amendment to the U.S constitution making aboloshing slavery when rattified to the public on Dec. 6, 1865
  • General Lee surrenders to Ulissies S Grant

  • Lincolin is assisanated

    Lincolin is shot at Fords Theater by John Wilks Booth and dies the next morning.