Turning Points Of The War Ollie

  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    The British did not take the Patriots seriously as an enemy, The Patriots won the battle agaisnt the British.
  • Battle Of Trenton

    Battle Of Trenton
    Continentals counterattacked the german in the middle of christmas night because they were trying to attack New York and to set a blockage so New York won't get to New England.
  • Battle Of Princeton

    Washington attacked Cornwallis in Princeton, New Jersey.
  • Saratoga

    Patriot victory over general John, who had marched from Canada in an attempt to invade New York.
  • Native Americans support the British?

    Recapturing a fort in Vinncennes, Indiana they rallied, marching from their winter quarters on the shores of the Mississippi River.
  • Valley Forge

    George Washington's army spent the harsh, terrible hungry winter from 1777 to 1778. Svattered from lack of supplies, it was reported to congress that nearly a third of his 10,000 soldier's had no coats or shoes.
  • Monmouth

    British evacuated Philadelphia being retreated across New York & New Jersey, they fought off Washington pursuit.
  • The French support the Patriots?

    They supported them as low term alliance supplying only secret shipments.
  • Fort at Vincennes

    They reached Vincennes and convinced many Native Americans to abandon their British allies, allowing the Patriots troops burned 40 Iroquis towns, destroying the power of the Iroquois federation.