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Washington Odyssey

  • Nov 8, 1200

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan War was the result of Menelaus convincing his brother, the King of Mycenae, and many other gods to help him find and bring back his wife, Queen Helen that had been abducted by Prince Paris of Troy. Causing war to break out, leaving the city of Troy destroyed. Thus earning its name "The Trojan War".
  • Nov 12, 1200


    The Lotus Eaters got their name because they simply ate lotus flowers. They were kind and welcoming to Odysseus and his men. But what Odysseus soon discovered is that as a result of them eating the flower, it cause them to never want to leave. This poses the problem that him and his men would never want to go home, so Odysseus forces his men to get back on their boats and continue their voyage home.
  • Nov 15, 1200


    Odysseus and his men come across an island full of Cyclops. They were big, hairy, giant one-eyed creatures that had no laws or civilization, and ate humans. Although Odysseus found them to be discussing, rude beings he wanted to stay for a while to see what they had to offer. Causing them to stay longer and prolonging their trip back home.
  • Nov 17, 1200

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind
    Aeolus the God of Wind, had given Odysseus a bag of wind. Odysseus' men hadn't trusted what was in the bag so they opened it. Letting out the strong winds dragging their boat right back to the island.
  • Nov 19, 1200


    Although Circe was kind and welcoming to her visitors, her welcoming aura changes when she is taken advantage of. In the Odyssey Odysseus' men were turned into pigs due to this fact. When Odysseus' Challenges her she takes him as her lover. Making their trip home delay once more.
  • Nov 22, 1200


    The Sirens are half-woman, half-bird. They sing loud like sirens, and beautifully like birds. Although they seem harmless on the outside, they lure men in and kill them. They can be heard far and wide, causing Odysseus and his men to be lured in. This caused their trip home to be delayed once again.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Scylla and Charybdis were both beautiful women before being cursed and turned into monsters. Scylla was turned into a "dog" with six heads and lived in the cliffside. While Charybdis was a whirlpool. Odysseus chooses to go on Scyllas path because Circle tells him that it would be better to lose 6 of his men instead of all of his men
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Helios’ cattle

    Helios’ cattle
    In the Odyssey, Odysseus and his men end up on Helios' island. Tiresias warned Odysseus that his men had to learn self-control and not steal. Eurylochus convinced the men to eat the cattle by telling them "it's better to die at sea from the wrath of the gods". After leaving the island, Odysseus' ship was caught in a storm. Killing all of his men, leaving him the only one alive as a punishment for his men's greed.
  • Nov 23, 1200


    While Odysseus was away, the suiters had gone to live in his home uninvited. Although his wife Penelope was home, she couldn't do anything about it because she was a woman. Therefore the men or "suiters" forcefully moved into the home, ate all the food, killed all the livestock, and begged for Penelopes hand in marriage.