
Top 5 Important Events in US History

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    The First Americans Arrive - 16000BC

    The First Americans Arrive - 16000BC
    People from Asia migrated over the land bridge during the ice age to North America. They were nomads who collected plants, hunted, and fished for food. This was important because it brought people over to America and those people spread and grew all over the Americas. These were the first people in the Americas and taught the settlers how to live off the land, later.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    American Colonies - Eastern America

    American Colonies - Eastern America
    Europeans came from Europe and started colonies in America. They spread across America as time passed. When they came, they were more advanced than the Native Americans and helped advance North America. They also brought over animals, spices, and foods that weren't native in North America.
  • Signing of the Decleration of Independance - 1776 - Philadelphia

    Signing of the Decleration of Independance - 1776 - Philadelphia
    The Decleration of Independance stated that "all men are created equal" and have the right to "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness". More importantly it said we were separate from Britain and we became our country. This event was important because it made the US their own state. It also gave us freedom and told us how to run our government. The country they created would later become one of the most powerful countries in the world.
  • Civil War - 1861 -1865

    The South wanted slavery, and the North didn't. They went to war over if there should be slavery or not. After the North won, most of slavery ended because Abraham Lincoln created the Emancipation Proclamation. This was important to our history because it ended most of slavery and taught the US what a war could do to a country. Also, if they didn't have that war, then there could've been a lot of slavery happening in the South and the South could still be their own country.
  • 9/11

    There was a terrorist attack with planes on the twin towers or world trade centers, the pentagon, and one was supposedly heading for the white house except the passengers took back over the plane and crash landed it in a field. It was one of the worst things ever to happen to the USA. 9/11 was important to US history because it upgraded our security at airports. It made the US aware of more possible threats. Also, it taught us that we have to stay together.