Top 10 Events Leeading to the Declaration of Independence

  • Albany Plan of Union

    This was a plan that was meant to unite the colonies, but was rejected due to an uneven power distribution. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because it brought the colonies one step closer to unity.
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    French and Indian War

    This was a war between the French and British for lands in western Pennsylvania and Ohio. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because it led to the colonists no longer needing Great Britain's protection.
  • George III becomes King

    He became king in 1760, and began to rule the colonies more firmly. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because it angered the colonists and caused them to want to be free.
  • Stamp Act

    This was a tax on legal documents, pamphlets, newspapers, and dce and playing cards. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because the colonists didn't like the unfair taxation.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    This was an event where delegates were sent to protest King George's actions.This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because it allowed people to voice their unrest.
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    Increased Revenue from the Colonies

    As Great Britain increased taxes, they gained more money for the war, however this did not benefit the colonists at all. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because the colonists felt used and wanted to be free.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A group of colonists dressed up as Mohawk Indians and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because it inspired more colonists to join the movement.
  • Intolerable Acts

    These did things like close Boston Harbor, and take away the right to govern themselves. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because it fueled a lot more anger and resentment toward Great Britain.
  • Committees of Correspondance

    These were groups of people who went around urging resistance to the British. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because it rallied more people into the cause.
  • Lexington and Concord

    British redcoats and colonial minutemen fought, and later this was known as the shot heard 'round the world. This led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence because it instigated the colonists into action.