top 10 events

  • Aug 22, 753

    Rome is founded

    Rome is founded
    Rome is major city and without it we wouldnt be as advance as we would be today.
  • Period: Aug 22, 753 to

    753 b.c - 1865

  • Aug 22, 1492

    Colombus reaches north america

    Colombus reaches north america
    if he never would have found it, who knoews if we would have ever discovered it.
  • Jamestown was founded.

    Jamestown was founded.
    jamestown was one of the frst settlements in north america.
  • Treaty of Paris.

    Treaty of Paris.
    It formed the shape of our country.
  • Colonies staged the Boston tea party.

    Colonies staged the Boston tea party.
    it was an important because it was a major form of rebellion.
  • Colonies declared independece.

    Colonies declared independece.
    Its important because it lead to the revolutionary war.
  • George Washington was elected president.

    George Washington was elected president.
    he was the first leader of our counrty.
  • Lincoln elected president.

    Lincoln elected president.
    without lincoln there is a good possiblaity we would still have slavery.
  • Conferdacy is forned and civil war begins

    Conferdacy is forned and civil war begins
    civil war was a really important part of our history
  • Civil war ended/ Lincoln was assasinated

    Civil war ended/ Lincoln was assasinated
    its important because no one exspected it