Tommy Hathcock's Vietnam War Project

  • Viet Minh defeated the frech colonist and got the colony of North Vietnam

    Viet Minh defeated the frech colonist and got the colony of North Vietnam
  • South Vietnames monarch was no longer in tack and Ngo Dinh Diem became president of South Vietnam

    South Vietnames monarch was no longer in tack and Ngo Dinh Diem became president of South Vietnam
  • Elections were supposed to be held to unify the two rebublic but the elections never took place

    Elections were supposed to be held to unify the two rebublic but the elections never took place
  • Small movements in the U.S. were taking place

    Small movements in the U.S. were taking place
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resoultion was confirmed

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resoultion was confirmed
  • U.S marine ships were sent to South Vietnam

    U.S marine ships were sent to South Vietnam
  • F-4C Phantoms were carring bombs were attacked by American planes

    F-4C Phantoms were carring bombs were  attacked by American planes
  • U.S. Started deploying troops on the ground

    U.S. Started deploying troops on the ground
  • The Un-American Activities Committee began investigating people who might be aiding the Viet Kong and to make it illegal

    The Un-American Activities Committee began investigating people who might be aiding the Viet Kong and to make it illegal
  • North Vietnam was on the verge of collapsing mounted the Tet Offensive

    North Vietnam was on the verge of  collapsing mounted  the Tet Offensive
  • 500,000 U.S. troops were in South Vietnam

    500,000 U.S. troops were in South Vietnam
  • North Vietnam took over South Vietnam and made it the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

    North Vietnam took over South Vietnam and made it the Socialist Republic of Vietnam