

By 91227
  • Apr 17, 1485

    Medieval times

    People in the medieval times had potties in their homes. Streets had open drains so it was easy to empty the pots.
  • Sir John Harrington's new water closet

    This guy published a book called The Metamorphosis of Ajax describing a new kind water closet.
  • Ancient toilets in B.C.

    Ancient toilets in B.C.
    Ancient people went to these kinds of public toilets.
  • Alexander Cummings developed the s-shape pipe

    Alexander Cummings developed the S-shaped pipe underneath the basin to keep out foul odors.
  • Thomas Crapper's plumbing company

    This company built flush toilets of Giblin's design. Thomas Crapper is not the original inventor.
  • Sitting toilets came into general use in mid-1900s

    Sitting toilets came into general use in mid-1900s
    Sitting toilet was in general use in the western world at this time.
  • Bruce Thompson's duoset

    He developed the duoset with two buttons and two flush volumes to save water.
  • High-tech toilets

    High-tech toilets
    Japanese toilets have these control panels to control the toilets.