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Toddler Timeline

  • Mika Is Born

    Mika Is Born
  • 13 Months

    13 Months
    Mika stood alone without support for a short period of time. then she would cruise along our living room furniture and crawl under the coffee table backwards. Also she has been trying to climb out of her highchair because i guess she wants to sit at the table with the rest of us
  • !5 Months

    !5 Months
    Mika loves to look at the pictures in the book i read to her, and she actually knows which animals are which but the pigs are her favorite. She doesnt know their names but she makes the sounds
  • 17 Months

    17 Months
    Mika is now talking alot more than she used to; its been easier to under stand what she needs. Her favorite word to use is "thank you " . She even says it when she meets new people, its actually quite funny.
  • 18 Months

    18 Months
    Mika loves to run now, when she runs its kinda stiff but she still laughs and giggles as her father chases her. Sometimes when she is running she pulls her little shopping cart behind her. We dont why but her shopping cart is her favorite toy.
  • 19 Months

    19 Months
    She now does this awkward thing where she has been walking backwards and saying "beep beep" . She also loves to climb up her fathers legs and hang on his arms. He dosent let her stay long because eversince she has got her 4 front teeth, she has been labeled a bitter.
  • 21 months

    21 months
    Our favorite game to play with her is where is it. I call out eyes and she will giggle and point to her eyes, or i will call toes and she will grab her toes and smile. She is constgantly asking what everything is now ; and she even dose it to people. The other day we were in the mall and we saw this small person and she said, " What is that?" We were kindof embarrased but they didnt mind.
  • 23 months

    23 months
    Mika loves to dance to any type of music she hears. Even when the tv comes on she dances to all the theme songs of the shows. We have been also keeping hard things out of reach because she throws everything now! And when i say everything i truley mean everything that her little heart desires.
  • 24 months

    24 months
    At her 2nd birthday party she kept asking for more and more of cake and cookies. She didnt like the sprinkles though so she kept taking them off and throwing them on the grownd. Her favorite part of her party was when the clown told her all of the stories about the animals and his clown firends.
  • 25 months

    25 months
    She loves to drawl and paint because she says, " Im just like mommy." She also loves to make up her own songs eventhough they never quite make sence. The one she sung yesturday was like, " The kitty, the kitty, the kittyyyyyy,the kitty lovesss meee."
  • 26 months

    26 months
    Her favortie place to go is the playground because she loves to swing on the swings and climb on the monkey bars as her dad holds her. She gets kindof mad because she says she wants to do it but she dosent understand we dont want her to get hurt.
  • 34 months

    34 months
    Things have gotten better for us at the junggle gym. SHe now is qicker with all the climbing things and going down all the slides. Its also been harder to keep up with her because she is constantly in motion. When i get too tierd i send her father to go chase her. I think he enjoys it though so its okay.
  • 36 Months

    36 Months
    We took alot of pictures at her birthday party and when we showed them to her she could recognize all of the people. She got really excited when she saw her cousins in the pictures and herself.Her favorite show not is Doc McStuffins and she even pretends to be a doctor to her stuft animals now.