By tw5299
  • Period: Apr 21, 1491 to


  • Apr 21, 1492

    Period 1- Columbus and the Americas

    Period 1- Columbus and the Americas
    Columbus and several other conquistadors arrive in the Western Hemisphere and improach onto Native inhabited land
    Significance- Natives angered at the new settlers in their homes and this led to revolts
  • Jul 21, 1492

    Period 1- Columbian Exchange

    Period 1- Columbian Exchange
    The transfer of goods, crops, and diseases between both the New and Old World
    Significance- led to the new cultivation of crops and smallpox disease killed off many Natives
  • Apr 21, 1494

    Period 1- Treaty of Tordesillas

    Period 1- Treaty of Tordesillas
    Divided the territories of the New World and Spain got most of the Americas and Portugal was given Africa and Asia
    Significance- New settlers inhabited the Native land and their culture was forced onto the Natives
  • Period 1- Mercantalism

    Period 1- Mercantalism
    colonies are designed to help support their mother country
    Signicance-all the money that colonists made in their new settlements went to their mother country in order to fund them
  • Period 1- Joint stock companies

    Period 1- Joint stock companies
    Private trading companies sold shares to investors who in turn provided them with funding
    Significance- Established England as the world power
  • Period 1- Jamestown

    Period 1- Jamestown
    Americas first permanent English settlement
    Significance- brought about a series of cultural encounters and disputes
  • Period 2- Headright System

    Period 2- Headright System
    workers given 50 acres of land and in return worked on tobacco farms

    Significance- workers treated unfairly and not paid money for the work they did. ended up leading the african slaves
  • Period 2- House of Burgesses

    Period 2- House of Burgesses
    the first legislative body in colonial America
    Significance- created an organized group for governement and legislation for Americans
  • Period 2- Indentured Servants

    Period 2- Indentured Servants
    Individuals who were allowed into the Americas at no cost excpet for the trecherous work they had to do
    Significance- in the long run, indetured servants stopped coming to the Americas because they realized how hard the work was and how harsh the treatment was
  • Period 2- Halfway Covenant

    Period 2- Halfway Covenant
    changed the requirements it took to be apart of the church so that more members would come
    Significance- People came to church more because now they felt like they would be accepted by the preachers and they others who were important in the church
  • Period 2- Bacon's Rebellion

    Period 2- Bacon's Rebellion
    Rebellion by Virginia settlers against Berkeley
    Significance- Natives finally spoke out for themselves and demanded their land to not be encroached on anymore and Natives ended up being attacked as a result
  • Period 5- 13th Amendmant

    Period 5- 13th Amendmant
    Abolished slavery
    Significane- in the long run, this did not completely get rid of slavery in the United States. This was one of the first attempts to create equality in the Americas
  • Period 2- Great Awakening

    Period 2- Great Awakening
    religious movement that consisted of dramatized preaching and harsh sermons
    Significance- church attendance began to increase. caused Americans to re-evaluate their acrtions
  • Period 3- Albany Plan of Union

    Period 3- Albany Plan of Union
    wanted to unite the 13 colonies for trade and military
    Significance- brought the colonies together so that they would be able to make deciosions as one and not fight over things
  • Period 3- French and Indian War

    Period 3- French and Indian War
    France and Britain fought for the control of the Ohio river Valley and Canada. Britain left in war debt which led to taxation
    Significance- France lost the war and Britain won. Brought about the Treaty of Paris and caused controversy
  • Period 3- Pontiac's Rebellion

    Period 3- Pontiac's Rebellion
    Indian uprising led by an Ottawa chief who opposed the further westward expansion of British
    Signifcance- not many settlers really saw this rebellion as a threat but more like an aggrevation, so they acted back and retaliated to prove their superiority
  • Period 3- Stamp Act

    Period 3- Stamp Act
    Tax on paper products, created in order to make up for war debt

    Significance- angered many Americans and caused some countries to suceed
  • Period 3- Lexington and Concord

    Period 3- Lexington and Concord
    first battle of thge revolutionary war
    Significance- led to revolutionary battles after tbis and set the ground for the war with the victory of America
  • Period 3- Republican motherhood

    Period 3- Republican motherhood
    Women have a special responisbilty to take care of and cultivate their children
    Significance- women given a little more of an important role in the home life and they were now seen as the rolde model in the family especially for the sons in the family
  • Period 4- Election of 1800

    Period 4- Election of 1800
    Democratic Republican party won over the Federalists. Jefferson was named the president
    Significance- Democratic republicans could finally have their voices heard over the federalists
  • Period 4- Louisiana Purchase

    Period 4- Louisiana Purchase
    Jefferson purchased New Orleans and land east of it at the price of $10 million.
    Significance- New land made the Americans happy because they had more land to their own meaning that this creates even more power for them
  • Period 4- Marbury v. Madison

    Period 4- Marbury v. Madison
    Established judicial review
    Significance- from here on, Americans did not have to only rely on the judgement of the judge, bu they also had the opportunity to hear from a larger group of people
  • Period 4- Market revolution

    Period 4- Market revolution
    produced by people's buying and selling of goods rather than making goods for themselves
    Significacne- this led to an increase in the economy and the desire for Americans to buy goods
  • Period 4- Missouri Compromise

    Period 4- Missouri Compromise
    Compromise split Maine as a free state from Massachusetts to maintain balance in Senate. It prohibited slavery in Louisiana Territory north of 36°30′, excepty Missouri
    Significance- created a division between those states who were in favor of slavery and those who opposed it
  • Period 4- Monroe Doctrine

    Period 4- Monroe Doctrine
    US foreign policy. Involved Latin American countries and said that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.
    Significance- caused less colonization of Northern territories and brought up conflict between settlers
  • Period 4- Indian Removal Act

    Period 4- Indian Removal Act
    Passed by Andrew Jackson and Congress. negotiated with Indians tribes in the Southern U.S. for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their homelands.
    Significance- this led to the Trail of Tears and the Indians being completely seperated from their homeland
  • Period 5- Comprosmise of 1850

    Period 5- Comprosmise of 1850
    Popular sovereignty in Mexican Cession, Fugitive Slave Law Abolition of slave trade in DC, California was said to be a free state,
    Significance- helped to balance out the states and their beliefs on segregation
  • Period 5- Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857

    Period 5- Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857
    ruled that Dred Scott was not a citizen, Scott's residence in a free state had not made him free
    Significance- angered African Americans and ignored the Constitution
  • Period 5- Election of 1860

    Period 5- Election of 1860
    Lincoln became president.
    Significance- Lincoln was finally able to voice his opinion on slavery and how he did not like it which brought about the Emancipation Proclamation
  • Period 5- Emancipation Proclamation

    Period 5- Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which declared slaves free in territories
    Significance- gave African Americans somewhat freedom and equality in which they had been longing for a long time
  • Period 5- 13th Amendment

    Period 5- 13th Amendment
    Abolished slavery
    Significance- there remained states in the south in which did not conform to this new legislation
  • Period 5- Appomattox Courthouse

    Period 5- Appomattox Courthouse
    Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant in April 1865, effectively ending the American Civil War.
    Significance- the Confederatwed were treated respectfully after this and it made the two sides agree to disagree
  • Period 6- Horizontal Integration

    Period 6- Horizontal Integration
    used by John D. Rockefeller. joining of competitors to create a monopoly.
    Significance- led to the creation of monopolies and the cocentration of wealth in only a couple of companies leaving the others
  • Period 6- Vertical Integration

    Period 6- Vertical Integration
    combination into one organization all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing.
    Significance- left everyone to rely on one speicific company for a certain product
  • Period 6- Laissez Faire

    Period 6- Laissez Faire
    allowed industry to be free of government intervention restricted government monopolies.
    Significasnce- gave states more freedom to come up with their own rules and regulations
  • Period 6- Social Darwinism

    Period 6- Social Darwinism
    stated that the rich were rich and the poor were poor due to natural selection in society.
    Significance- continued the belief of racial heirarchy and white supremancy among American in the Americas
  • Period 6- Great Railroad Strike

    Period 6- Great Railroad Strike
    A group of railroad workers on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad strike due to wage cuts.
    Significance- Transportation had to be otherwise figured out because of the strike and people rebelled
  • Period 6- Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Period 6- Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    Limited monopolies in the US
    Significance- Monopolies shut down for the most part and big businesses mad about this because they did not have as much business
  • Period 7- Spanish-American war

    Period 7- Spanish-American war
    short war fought in Philippines, Caribbean, Battle of San Juan Hill, American victory. with the treaty of paris 1899, US gained control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines, led to debates over imperialism
    Significance- created tension between the involved countries and territories
  • Period 7- Open Door Policy

    Period 7- Open Door Policy
    idea that china should be open to trade equally with all nations with no special tariffs or favoritism
    Significance- The US began to recieve and trade a lot more goods and a wider variety
  • Period 7- Big Stick Diplomacy

    Period 7- Big Stick Diplomacy
    idea that the threat of force can be used strategically to advance interests, roosevelt created it
    Significance- Roosevelt said you should carry a big stick and speak softly and keep an authority over it
  • Period 7- Dollar Diplomacy

    Period 7- Dollar Diplomacy
    Used American financial resources to advance American interests in Latin America
    Significance- caused the United States to be superior to other countires around the world and also made others look to the US because of the success with new policies
  • Period 7- 17th amendment

    Period 7- 17th amendment
    Voters elect Senators
    Significance- allowed voters to finally have their say in the election of senators
  • Period 7- 18th amendment

    Period 7- 18th amendment
    Banned the selling and consumption of alcohol
    Significance- bootleggers went behind the backs of the government to sell alcohol and Americans continued to buy it
  • Period 7- 19th Amendment

    Period 7- 19th Amendment
    Women got the right to vote
    Significance- women began to achieve and advance in their new roles
  • Period 8- HUAC

    Period 8- HUAC
    investigated Communists and other immigrants
    Significance- Lead to the fear of communism and the Red Scare
  • Period 8- Containment

    Period 8- Containment
    The U.S. policy of containing the spread of communism; was the foundation of U.S. foreign policy from the late 1940s until the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990s.
    Signifance- help to prevent the domino effect
  • Period 8- Truman Doctrine 1947

    Period 8- Truman Doctrine 1947
    President Harry Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism.
    Significance- Made people and countires favor the United States because of their understanding in situations dealing with communism
  • Period 8- Marshall Plan

    Period 8- Marshall Plan
    Program designed to promote the economic recovery of Western Europe with massive amounts of U.S. financial aid.
    Significance- this made Europe and nations surrounding Europe support the US and to look to them for support
  • Period 8- NATO

    Period 8- NATO
    Mutual defense alliance among the nations of Western Europe and North American. Designed to contain the spread of communism.
    Significance- Communist nations also joined in alliance as a result
  • Period 8- Cuban Missile Crisis

    Period 8- Cuban Missile Crisis
    secret Soviet attempt to station nuclear missiles in Cuba.
    Significance- The nuclear arms race came out of this and nuclear warfare was made into a thing which was scary becauuse either side could drop a bomb at any moment
  • Period 9- Roe v. Wade

    Period 9- Roe v. Wade
    legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy
  • Period 9- Iran-Contra Affair

    Period 9- Iran-Contra Affair
    Americans kidnapped in Beirut by Iranian govt, so deal, scandal including arms sales to the Middle East in order to send money to help the Contras in Nicaragua
    Significance- caused the United Statews to be cautious about the immigrants allowed into the country
  • Period 9- NAFTA

    Period 9- NAFTA
    free trade between North American countries
    Significance- allowed for trade to be free so many goods that had once b een too expensive to trade, was now affordable
  • Period 9- Al Qaeda

    Period 9- Al Qaeda
    a network of Islamic terrorist organizations, led by Osama bin Laden
    Significance- Obama after his election went out to find the leader.
  • Period 9- Patriot Act

    Period 9- Patriot Act
    law passed by Congress which created heavy survailance on Americans
    Significance- greatly expanded the power of federal law enforcement authorities to move against suspected terrorists.
  • Period 9- 9/11

    Period 9- 9/11
    On September 11, 2001, extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States.
    Significance- strict security was enforced as a result of this