My Virtual Child - Bradley

  • 15 Months Old

    At 15 months of age, Bradley begins studying his environment and performing “experiments” using objects. According to Piaget, Bradley is in Substage 5 of the Sensorimotor Stage, where infants deliberately repeat a variation of activities to bring about desirable consequences. Bradley was observed throwing a ball against a wall, doing something different each time, to see what would happen. (PG 144)
  • 2 Years Old

    At 2 years of age, Bradley begins looking guilty after breaking something, being embarrassed when he had a potty accident, and acting shy in big groups. At this age, Bradley is developing self-awareness, the knowledge of oneself. (PG 175-176) At age 3, he is in the autonomy-versus-shame-and-doubt stage (PG 22.) At this age, parenting style will determine whether he will become independent and secure, or he will be shameful and doubtful of himself.
  • 3 Years

    At age 3, Bradley is communicating fairly well, making complete sentences, and understands most of what I say. He enjoys educational television and listening to books. Bradley is able to put together more complex sentences and is absorbing all the words he hears around him. (PG 231-234) Children learn much of their vocabulary from listening to people speak. Television and books also provide exposure to thousands of new words every day.
  • 6 Years Old

    Bradley is 6, and he is imitating what Dad does and wants to hang out with Dad whenever he is doing anything interesting. Bradley is experiencing identification – “identification is the process in which children attempt to be similar to their same-sex parent, incorporating the parent’s attitudes and values.” (PG 251).Children typically identify more with the same-sex parent and therefore tend to favor the activities their same-sex parent does and develop a conventional sense of gender roles.
  • 12 Years Old

    Bradley began to argue more about things like bedtime, chores, and his clothes. At age 12, Bradley is becoming more independent and wants to make more choices on his own. During middle childhood, children are on a quest for self-understanding, and beginning to become more independent. (PG 329). Bradley wants to pick out his own clothes, and go to bed later because he wants to be treated as a teenager and not a child.
  • 14 Years Old

    Bradley begins to hang out with a different group of friends than from middle school. These new friends not a good influence. This is concerning because in adolesence, children are increasingly influenced by the process of social comparison. (PG 420). Bradley seems to be part of a new "clique," a group composed of people with similar interests. Bradley will likely be influenced negatively by these friends, and I try to encourage him to meet other friends.
  • 16 Years Old

    Bradley has a new girlfriend, and they have been dating for about two months. Bradley says he is "in love". We are concerned that this relationship may lead to sex. In the 21st century. sex is common among teenagers. Teenagers view sex as "hooking up" and don't take it seriously. (PG 425). I talk to Bradley about the consequences of sex and try to educate him to the best of my ability. Bradley is embarrassed but he needs to know.
  • 18 Years Old

    Bradley is finished with high school now. Our relationship seems to be very stable now. Bradley is able to come to me for questions or advice. Bradley is at the end of adolesence. At the beginning of adolesnece, Bradley saw me as an opponent rather than a friend. As his quest for autonomy goes on, Bradley began to see me as an equal that is on his team.At the end of adolesence, parents and teenagers have more of a symmetical, egalatarian relationship. (PG 416).