Timetoast Lorne Jones and Eliel Escobedo

  • Jackson's Birth Lorne Jones

    Jackson's Birth Lorne Jones
    Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767 in Waxhaws. Jackson was a lawyer, and a landowner. He became the hero of the 'War of 1812'. Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States. Andrew Jackson was born in his own family's cabin.
  • Andrew Jackson enlist in revolutionary army Lorne Jones

     Andrew Jackson enlist in revolutionary army Lorne Jones
    Andrew Jackson enlisted in the army at a very young age, age 13. His brother Robert Jackson also enlisted in the army but, died from heat exhaustion. His brother Robert and him enlisted themselves because their family was poor since their father died at the age of 2.Their mother had to take care of the three children so she could not provide. Andrew later became a grear war hero.
  • Battle of New Orleans-Eliel Escobedo

    Battle of New Orleans-Eliel Escobedo
    The battle of new orleans was a battle that happened by acciedent. It was the last major battle of the war of 1812 the americans and the british had already signed a treaty. The only reason their was a battle was because lack of communication the british soldiers did not hear that their was peace between them. Still the americans about 2 weeks after they had heared about the treaty, won the battle by a landslide.
  • Election of 1812 Lorne Jones

    Election of 1812 Lorne Jones
    The Election of 1812 marked the final collapse of the Republican-Federalist political framework. There wasn't one candidants who ran as a Federalist. The out come surprised the poltical leaders.The winner of the Electorial College was Andrew Jackson, the hero of the 'War of 1812' with nintety-nine votes.
  • Election of 1828-Eliel Escobedo

    Election of 1828-Eliel Escobedo
    The election of 1828 was an election of former president John Quincy Adams, William H. Crawford,Andrew Jackson, and Henry Clay. This election was Andrew Jackson's revenge from the election of 1824. In the election of 1824 John Quincy Adams had one when Andrew Jackson and WIlliam H. Crawford had lost when the eclection went to House of Represenatives. Andrew belived John won because Henry Clay who did meet the standards to go to House o Represenatives election for president
  • Election of 1828 part 2-Eliel Escobedo

    Election of 1828 part 2-Eliel Escobedo
    influenced the House of Represenatives to vote for John Quincy Adams. In which Adams did win but, later when it was the election of 1828 Jackson got his revenge and won the election by a landslide. Andrew won because many Americans thought that Adams was not a very good president and they needed a change plus, Jackson was a war hero.
  • Indian Removal Act-Eliel Escobedo

    Indian Removal Act-Eliel Escobedo
    The Indian Removal Act was an Act that would move all the Indians away from land that the Americans owned. They would settle them across the Liousana river. The Americans promised to not bother the Indians or move them to another location. It practically was a peace treaty with the Indians. The Indians would divide their land by themselves and promised not to be bothered.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend Revolutionary Army-Eliel Escobedo

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend Revolutionary Army-Eliel Escobedo
    The Battle of Horseshoe Bend Revolutionary Army was a battle of an Indian tribe named Red Sticks against two Indian tribes named Lower Creek and Cherokees with the American army. There was a lot of tention between them since the War of 1812. The Americans were tired of the Red Sticks so they gathered their Inndian tribe members and marched down to the Red Sticks territory and fought. 800 to 1000 Red Stick Indians died while the Americans and allies lost 70. The Red Sticks ran away to Florida.
  • Bank War Lorne Jones

    Bank War Lorne Jones
    The Bank War was about America going into extreme debt for twenty years. Everyone liked the idea of the U.S having a bank the idea they didn't like was that they weren't allowed to loan money to purchase property. The U.S bank only had allowed the people to loan money ,but later the bank did allow the people to loan money to purchase land. Once the U.S bank did this the U.S went into extreme debt. The U.S went into a big debt because people were not paying their loans back.
  • Worcester v. Georgia Lorne Jones

    Worcester v. Georgia Lorne Jones
    Worcester vs. Georgia was about the Indians not being able to walk around without carrying their Indian licecanse. Many debated that it was unconistutional to do this. The Indians that were affected were the Cherokee only Georgia had this law. This law would not allow the many Cherokee Indains to move freely as they weren't allowed to cross over much land. Many Cherokee were furious and moved to another state.
  • Nullification Crisis-Eliel Escobedo

    Nullification Crisis-Eliel Escobedo
    Nullifiication Crisis was when the south did not like a tariff that benifited the north and harmed the south. There was only one state that really went against which was South Carolina. They said it was unconsitutional and they will not pay the taxes for it. Jackson was geting furious with South Carolina he did not ever get rid of the tariff but greatly reduced the taxes on it.