Timeline Unit 5

  • Federalist Papers written

    Federalist Papers written
    The main objective of the essays, written mainly by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison with the help of John Jay , was to convince the citizens of New York to elect a state and thus ratify the delegates of the convention that supported the new Constitution of the United States adopted in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787.
  • Constitution ratified

    Constitution ratified
    A majority of delegates to the Constitutional Assembly approved the documents in which they had been working since May 17 September 1787. After the farewell banquet, the delegates returned home quickly to organize support, most in favor but some in against the proposed statute.
  • George Washington inaugurated as President of the United States

    George Washington inaugurated as President of the United States
    In 1789, George Washington was elected first president of the United States unanimously. During his presidential terms, he helped establish a stable and efficient government. Despite wanting to return to his life in Mount Vernon, the General accepted a second term before retiring in 1797, at which time he peacefully transferred the command to his successor, John Adams.
  • Jay Treaty

    Jay Treaty
    Private printed booklet containing the text of the Jay Treaty
    Trade resumed between the two nations when the war ended. The British allowed all exports to America, but banned some US food exports to their colonies in the West Indies.
  • Jefferson elected

    Jefferson elected
    Like the previous elections, the elections registered a competition between John Adams, president of the Federalist Party, and Thomas Jefferson, vice president and candidate of the Democratic-Republican Party. Jefferson's victory over Adams in this election and the political realignment that it implied causes him to have been granted the historical name "Revolution of 1800".