Timeline Project: The Evolution and Future of Computer Technology

  • The very first automatic loom

    The very first automatic loom
    In France, Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a loom that uses punched wooden cards to automatically weave fabric designs. Early computers would use similar punch cards.
  • First electric computer

    First electric computer
    J.V. Atanasoff, a professor of physics and mathematics at Iowa State University, attempts to build the first computer without gears, cams, belts or shafts.
  • first commercial computer for business and government

    first commercial computer for business and government
    Mauchly and Presper leave the University of Pennsylvania and receive funding from the Census Bureau to build the UNIVAC, the first commercial computer for business and government applications.
  • First computer circuit

    First computer circuit
    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce unveil the integrated circuit, known as the computer chip. Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000 for his work.
  • First floppy disk

    First floppy disk
    Alan Shugart leads a team of IBM engineers who invent the “floppy disk,” allowing data to be shared among computers.
  • first software usable computer

    first software usable computer
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak start Apple Computers on April Fool’s Day and roll out the Apple I, the first computer with a single-circuit board.
  • Personal computers hit the market

    Personal computers hit the market
    A number of personal computers hit the market, including Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair, IBM 5100, RadioShack’s TRS-80 —affectionately known as the “Trash 80” — and the Commodore PET.
  • First games for pc

    First games for pc
    PCs become gaming machines as "Command & Conquer," "Alone in the Dark 2," "Theme Park," "Magic Carpet," "Descent" and "Little Big Adventure" are among the games to hit the market.
  • Apple is saved

    Apple is saved
    Microsoft invests $150 million in Apple, which was struggling at the time, ending Apple’s court case against Microsoft in which it alleged that Microsoft copied the “look and feel” of its operating system.
  • No cable WIFI

    No cable WIFI
    The term Wi-Fi becomes part of the computing language and users begin connecting to the Internet without wires.
  • First 64 bit prosecer

    First 64 bit prosecer
    The first 64-bit processor, AMD’s Athlon 64, becomes available to the consumer market.
  • Youtube is invented

    Youtube is invented
    YouTube, a video sharing service, is founded. Google acquires Android, a Linux-based mobile phone operating system.
  • Iphone is made

    Iphone is made
    The iPhone brings many computer functions to the smartphone
  • Facebook gains 1 billion users

    Facebook gains 1 billion users
    Facebook gains 1 billion users on October 4.
  • Improved audio and video

    Improved audio and video
    Microsoft announces Windows, its response to Apple’s GUI. Commodore unveils the Amiga 1000, which features advanced audio and video capabilities.