Timeline Project

  • The Homestead Act

    The homestead act gave families in the western territory 160 acres of public land for a low fee and 5 years of residence on that land.
  • Lincolns Death

    This date is important because president Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed by a man with the man John Wilkes Booth (politics)
  • Johnson Becomes President

    After Lincoln was shot and killed, vice president Andrew Johnson takes over as president.
  • 13th Amendment

    The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States, it was ratified on this day.
  • First Transcontinental Railroad

    For the first time in American history, railways linked together east and west.
  • War on Spain

    On this day the United States congress declares war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    The U.S. Asiatic Squadron destroyed the Spanish Pacific fleet in the first major battle of the Spanish American War
  • U.S. troops land in Cuba

    For months, U.S. troops had been stationed in Tampa, Florida. The first U.S. troops landed in Cuba on this day
  • Socialist Party of America

    Democratic political party in the United States, formed by a merger between the Social Democratic Party of America and disaffected elements of the Socialist Labor Party.
  • Meat Inspection Act of 1906

    Signed by President Theodore Roosevelt, the act prohibited the sale of mis branded livestock and and ensured that livestock were slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions.
  • World War 1 Begins

    Germany invades Belgium, beginning World War 1.
  • First tanks

    The British employ the first tanks ever used in battle, at Delville Wood.
  • U.S. Enters War

    Congress declares war against Germany. The United States enters World War 1 on the side of France and Britain.
  • U.S. Stock Prices Fall

    The fall of stock prices is seen as marking the beginning of the great depression.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President

    Franklin Roosevelt turned around America's Unemployment rate, when he was elected the unemployment rate was 25, and in 1937, it had fallen to 14.3 percent.
  • World War 2 Begins

    The war begins when Nazi Germany invades Poland's capital in a massive attack. within weeks the Germans defeat the Polish Army and Warsaw surrenders.
  • Britain and France Declare War

    After the attack on Poland, Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Germany Invades

    Germany Invades Norway and Denmark
  • Germany Bombs

    Germany begins its bombing raid against Great Britain in the Battle of Britain
  • Truman Doctrine

    President Truman promised to help any country facing a Communist takeover.
  • Marshall plan

    Program of economic aid offered by the United States to any European country.
  • NATO Formed

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation formed with member states Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States
  • Korean War

    The Korean war began when North Korea invaded South Korea.
  • Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact was formed with member states East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union.
  • 9/11

    On this day 2 plans crashed into the twin towers and killed many people.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina was an extremely destructive and deadly Category 5 hurricane
  • Barack Obama

    Obama defeated the Republican Senator John McCain, making him the President and the first African American elected President.
  • Boston Marathon

    Two bombs detonated about 210 yards apart at the finish line on Boylston Street near Copley Square.
  • Donald Trump Elected

    The United States presidential election of 2016 was the 58th quadrennial American presidential election