
Timeline of Pre-WWII

By Bellaj1
  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

    Treaty of Versailles Signed
    World War I had officially ended with the signing of this treaty~ this treaty had punished the losing side, the Central Powers, but had placed most of the punishment upon Germany. Boundaries of Germany were redrawn, and large reparations were to be paid.
  • Washington Naval Conference

    Washington Naval Conference
    This conference began on 1921 and continued onwards into 1922. Here, US naval powers discussed the problems that were continuing to grow in Asia (mostly Japan). Later, nine other nation powers were invited to Washington DC to discuss the next steps to relieving the stress in Asia.
  • Mussolini as Prime Minister

    Mussolini as Prime Minister
    Supporter of Facism, Mussolini rose to power after World War I, and made a movement supporting him and Facism, later making him Prime Minister. Benito then later allied with Hitler of Germany, so he could have a foothold on the war during World War II.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Led by Hitler, the Nazi Party aimed to take control over the German federal government- and when done, they would then set up a racial government. Although this had failed, it was seen by many watchers as a wonderful attempt to fix Germany.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    The Dawes Plan came into place when Allied countries realized the major debt they had put Germany in due to unfair reparations. Germany was going through a hyperinflation, and this plan allowed the reparations to be paid easier, and hopefully make the entire situation better.
  • Death of Lenin

    Death of Lenin
    Lenin wanted to stop the spread of communism to Russia, however soon died due to a stroke. Stalin then took Lenin's place, creating a socialism-type government within Russia.
  • Mein Kampf Published

    Mein Kampf Published
    Mein Kampf, in short, was Hitler's autobiography about the struggles of his life, and ultimately his racist opinions. Every household within Nazi Germany was expected to have a copy of this book, and it was told that it was meant to only be read aloud.
  • Hirohito as Emperor

    Hirohito as Emperor
    Hirohito succeeded his father as emperor of Japan, after his death. His ultimate goals, with the help of his Prime Minister, Tojo, were to expand Japan's borders to parts of Eastern Asia.
  • 1st Five Year Plan

    1st Five Year Plan
    There were multiple Five-Year Plans that were run by the Soviet Union's leader, Stalin. These plans toke farmers and their families out of their farms, and into the city to factories. From then on, their farms were government run, and most only the workers in the cities were fed.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    After the stock market crashed in Wall Street, all countries throughout the globe were plunged into the Great Depression. This was the greatest and most severe economic depression in all of US history.
  • Dachau Built

    Dachau Built
    Dachau was the first Nazi concentration camp ever built under the orders of Adolf Hitler. This camp was originally made to keep political prisioners that denied Hitler's power, however, was later developed into a camp where hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed.
  • First Neutrality Act is Passed

    First Neutrality Act is Passed
    This act stated by Roosevelt, proposed that Americans were required to obtain license to carry weapons, and restricted Americans from riding hostile nations ships. This also was a clear statement that the US would be patroling the surrounding waters for enemy U-boats.
  • Signing of the Rome-Berlin Axis

    Signing of the Rome-Berlin Axis
    This was a coalition formed in 1936 between Italy and Germany. This linked the two fascist countries together in a pact that would later thrive and become the basis of the Axis Powers (Japan, Italy, and Germany).
  • Signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact

    Signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact
    This was a pact originally signed between Germany and Japan, later Italy, that was mostly targeted against the Soviet Union. This pact was anti-communism, meanwhile the USSR was entirely communistic.
  • Hitler Delcares Austria as Part of the Third Reich

    Hitler Delcares Austria as Part of the Third Reich
    In HItler's eyes, Austria was part of Germany due to nationalism- they shared the same language and many other aspects to life. So, he decides to annex this country back for Germany onthis date.
  • Munich Conference is Called

    Munich Conference is Called
    Settlement by Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that permits the Germans to annex the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia. However, Germany later ignored the conference and continued to send chaos throughout Europe.
  • Germany Attacks Poland

    Germany Attacks Poland
    Adolf Hitler was looking to regain lost territories in Poland, making WWII begin. They used the "blitzkrieg" strategy- extensive bomnbing early to destroy the enemy's air capacity, railroads, communication lines,and munitions dumps.
  • German Troops Invade Czechoslovakia

    German Troops Invade Czechoslovakia
    Hitler and his troops invade the leftover portions of Czechoslovakia- although they had peacefully gotten their requested lands through the Munich Pact.
  • Mussolini Invades Albania

    Mussolini Invades Albania
    Using HItler's past victories as a goal, Mussolini decided to invade and occupy Albania. Albania was dependent on money and economic resources from Italy, so they took their chance in overtaking Albania.
  • German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Signed

    German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Signed
    Both the Soviet Union and Germany make a pact to protect one another's backs if war were to be declared on either of them. Germany would rush to the war line if war was to be declared on Russia, just as the Russians would do for the Germans.
  • Soviet Union Attacks Finland

    Soviet Union Attacks Finland
    The Red Army of the USSR, Soviet Union, stampeded into Finland's Helsinki with 465,000 men and 1,000 aircrafts. The Finlanders fought back with photos of the casualties and soldiers on skis and bicycles. Finland ended up handing over the land mass that the Soviet Union had originally attacked them for.
  • Germans Invade the Netherlands, Belgium, and Lexemborug

    Germans Invade the Netherlands, Belgium, and Lexemborug
    French and British believed the Germans to follow the same tactics as they had in WWI, however, they chose adifferent route that ultimately led to the successful invasion of Western Europe.
  • Winston Churchill named as Prime Minister of Great Britain

    Winston Churchill named as Prime Minister of Great Britain
    Winston Churchill is now crowned, or becomes the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Him and presidents of US will later become great allies.
  • Dunkerque is Evacuated

    Dunkerque is Evacuated
    British forces of naval boats sail down to Dunkerque and rescue French troops from oncoming German soldiers. By the end of this event, nearly 140,000 French and Belgian troops were saved from their near-death fates.
  • Mussolini Declares War on France and Great Britain

    Mussolini Declares War on France and Great Britain
    Angered from older promised and forgotten land masses from WWI, the anger held within the Italian government finally took hold. War was declared on both countries of Britain and France at this time.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    German and British forces fight in the skies using aircrafts over the United Kingdom.This was a major turning point in WWII as the German aircrafts failed to overtake Great Britain and their troops
  • Japan Forms an Alliance with Germany and Italy

    Japan Forms an Alliance with Germany and Italy
    Japan, Italy, and Germany sign the Tripartite Pact in Berlin that provides for their alliance during the WWI. This was designed to make the US think twice about joining the Allies, by seeing the power that these three countries held.
  • Erwin Rommel takes control of Libya

    Erwin Rommel takes control of Libya
    Italian and German troops were originally within Africa, but were suprise attacked by the British. Rommel was then nicknamed the "'Desert Fox," however he later had to retreat in 1943.
  • Germany Attacks the Soviet Union

    Germany Attacks the Soviet Union
    Completely ignoring past alliances with the Soviet Union, Hitler makes orders for the Nazi troops to invade the USSR. Soviet Union soldiers immediately began to defend their land, British spy forces tried to warn Stalin of this oncoming fate, however he waved them off.
  • Roosevelt and Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter

    Roosevelt and Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter
    At this point the United States had not yet joined in WWII, however, both Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill continued to meet on ships to discuss this. The two countries promised not to expect territorial gains from the war.
  • Pearl Harbor is Attacked

    Pearl Harbor is Attacked
    Japanese zero planes hone in on Hawaiian naval base to prove superiority on portion of the Earth. This was the last straw for US government, as they called for war the next day on Japan.
  • US Congress Declares War on Japan

    US Congress Declares War on Japan
    The attack on Pearl Harbor awoke the "Sleeping Giant," as FDR, past US president, the next day declared war on the country of Japan. The United States had finally joined in the war effort, and it would soon come to an end once we had joined.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    German troops aimed their guns at Stalingrad, however, the USSR was successful in protecting their lands. German advance was hindered, and most consider this to be the most important battle during this war.
  • Bataan Death Match

    Bataan Death Match
    Americans and Filipinos that had surrendered to the japanese were forced to march about 65 miles to San Fernando. Thousands of troops had died because of their harsh captors. Survivors were held in war camps where many thousands more died.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This battle occurred six months after the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor - the United States countered one of Japan's final attacks as they were using leftover aircrafts to attack America one last time.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    Nazi and German forces gather in Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question". "The Final Solution" was a simple and ironic name for the plan that would annihilate all European Jews.
  • D Day

    D Day
    Allies gain foothold on Continental Europe with more than 160,000 troops positioned on the French coastline. In doing this, they defeated Hitler's troops and yay.
  • MacArthur Lands in the Philippines

    MacArthur Lands in the Philippines
    Originally MacArthur was forced to surrender to Japanese forces after they had bombed Pearl Harbor. He promised to return, and didin 1944.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Celebrated in both Britain and America celebrate the defeat of the Nazis. Russians had stopped the mass exodus in the West of the Germans and toke them carptive.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The Big Three meet - Stalin, Churchill, and Truman in Germany. They accept the surrender of Germany; redrawing the borders of Europe. Again. Stalin pushes for heavy reparations on Germany.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    Japanese surrender occurred on this day, as Truman was the current president at the time, he declared September 2 to be VJ day. Celebration of this new-found news spread throughout the Americas.
  • Germans Invade Denmark and Norway

    Germans Invade Denmark and Norway
    Germany takes a shot at invading Norway and Denmark. Certain German Prime Ministers demanded both lands to surrender certain lands, however, they refused. Both lands, in the end, however, surrendered due to the overwhelming amount of troops in Germany''s army.