First computer.gif

Timeline of Computers

  • Timeline of Computers

    Timeline of Computers
    The first computer was made. The first computer was used just to solve big numerical problems.
  • Timeline of Computers

    Timeline of Computers
    The first personal computer (PC) was invented. It was just a personal size that people could use.
  • Timeline of Computers

    Timeline of Computers
    The first Apple Computer was created. It had the first single circuit board.
  • Timeline of Computers

    Timeline of Computers
    The first portable computer or laptop. The first laptop was able to be carried around and brought where ever the owner was.
  • Timeline of Computers

    Timeline of Computers
    The first person computer clone. It was a clone of the personal size computers that did a little more.
  • Timline of Computers

    Timline of Computers
    The best IBM computer until the most recent upgrades. It was able to do more than ever before with a lot of new upgrades.
  • Timeline of Computers

    Timeline of Computers
    The best of the best. These computers have the most recent upgrades known to man right now.