timeline of a new baby

  • 4th month

    4th month
    -His legs are strengthen and can stand with your support
    -likes spacific toys
    -eyes are maturing
    -turns towds a voice when someone is talking
    -may beable to rest on his elbows
    -sits with support
    -Playes with hands, finger, and toes.
    -explores objects with mouths -
  • 6th month

    6th month
    -sits with assistance or may sit alone
    -Reaches for and gasps toys with one hand
    -can eat solid food from a spoon
    -talks to toys
    -may try to imatate you
    -enjoys being sociable
    -reached out to be picked up
    -Feels happy, uncomfortable
  • 7th month

    7th month
    -starts to crawl
    -can use the big tub to bath the baby -maybe shy around new people
  • 8th month

    8th month
    -can stand up on his own and may try to take his first steps!
    -Reacts when you say his name
    -Claps his hand when he is happy
    -Leaning words -expressed emotions
  • 9th month

    9th month
    -starting to grow teeth
    -probly walking on his own -understands the meaning of certain words
  • 10th month

    10th month
    -Learns to crawl up and down stairs
    -likes to stare at the mirror at his reflection
    -enjoys cuddleing with you
  • 11th month

    11th month
    -starts to interact with ohther children -knows right from wrong
  • 12th month

    12th month
    -may be feeding herself
    -likes wearing new clothes -able to sleep at expected times and take naps
  • 3rd month

    3rd month
    -The baby is growing each and every day so he may seem bigger
    -He is strong enough to roll over and move over
    -May start sucking her hands
    -May reach for certian opjects
    -She will make more nosies and may even start to laugh! -She will sleep for expected periods of time each night
  • 5th month

    5th month
    -able to hold his head steady
    -enjoys sitting straight
    -takes intrest in his feet
    -she likes to scoot
    -start reaching for toys herself
    -Lets go of objects -no head lag when pulled to sit -trys to imatake you mouth movements -eyes are very good and will start taking intrest in colorfull toys rather than black and white toys
  • 1st month

    1st month
    -Head is wobbly, support is needed
    -quite when picked up
    -Your baby maybe red and swollen due to birth
    -Born with a strong urge to suck
    -Eyes can only focus 8 to 10 inches from her face
    -Hand will remain tightly clenched while he is awake
    -By the third week you may notice occasinal muscle twitches
    -Your baby will reconize your voice and respond to it.
    -By the forth week they baby maybe making small sounds
    -He becomes more trusting
  • 2nd month

    2nd month
    -The baby will start to relax its muscles
    -May see the baby smile
    -The babys hands may appear bigger
    -improved eyed sight lets her look around the room
    -The baby will start to move its arms around -Lifts head and cheast while on it tummy -The baby injoys gazing at your face -Baby may enjoy listening to music