Timeline ( Jacquelyn Smith)

  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening of the 1740’s refers to an excitement about religion that swept through the American colonies.
  • The Declaration of Indepence

    The Declaration states that it is the right and duty of a people who to overthrow the government and change the system if the government takes away their rights.
  • The US Constitution

    The US Constitution is a document that explains the way the government is run.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion was a revolt of Pennsylvania corn farmers who wanted to overturn a high tax placed on whiskey.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney. The cotton gin was a machine that took separated cottonseed from the cotton fiber. This made it possible for one person to remove the seeds from 50 pounds of cotton a day, verses 1 pound a day without the cotton gin.
  • The Forign Policy

    The foreign policy is In the 1800’s, the term impressment referred to a practice used by the British to force men into being sailors in the British navy. Impressment caused problems for the U.S. because American civilians were captured by the British and taken to sea to work on British warships.
  • Andrew Jackson’s election

    Andrew Jackson’s election to the Presidency in 1828 was significant because he brought a greater degree of democracy to American government and a rise in the political participation of the common man.
  • US Expansion

    Between 1790 and 1840, the U.S. underwent many changes. The country had doubled in size; its population which had grown from 4 million to 17 million; a change from 90% of Americans working as farmers to 60% engaged in farming by 1840; the number of people in towns grew from 5% to 11%.
  • The North Star.

    Frederick Douglass was a slave that escaped to freedom and settled in Massachusetts and published the abolitionist newspaper, The North Star.
  • The Bessemer

    The Bessemer converter quickly changed iron to steel and made mass production of steel a reality. Andrew Carnegie, an American immigrant of humble beginnings, built the largest Bessemer plant in America and became the second richest man in the world.
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run in 1862 marked a low point in the war for the North, because the Union troops had been pushed back from Richmond to Washington.
  • Reconstruction

    The purpose of Reconstruction was to bring the southern states back into the Union. Reconstruction also ensured black Americans their freedom. Another aim of Reconstruction was to rebuild the South from the great destruction of the war