Timeline Final

By Rob_K
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Discovered America

    Christopher Columbus made landfall in North America. This landing is technically the discovery of America and many other nations.
  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown was officially settled on this date. This was one of the first settlements in the newly founded North America. This is located in the present day state of Virginia.
  • Pilgrims Land

    The pilgrims from England landed at Plymouth. They soon realized they weren't the first people there and thought about if they deserved to own land or not.
  • French/Indian War

    This conflict was started because the new pilgrims landed and wanted land but the Indians that were there were not ready to give up their land to the new Pilgrims.
  • Jackson Presidency

    Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States. He led troops in war. He also started the Indian removal act.
  • Boston Massacre

    The British soldiers shoot and kill civilians in a protest. This starts to stir the pot for the revolutionary war.
  • *Steam Engine Invented*

    The first steam engine is invented by James Watts. This creates easy travel.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The first battle of the revolutionary war. The 13 colonies were tired of the controlling powers of England and start to fight them for the independence of the U.S.
  • Declaration of independence

    The letter we sent to the king of England. This letter stated the reason why we were leaving as a colony and becoming an independent country.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Political leaders form each of the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia to revise the government plan of the U.S. This took two years but they ended with a better constructed government.
  • *Cotton Gin Invented*

    The Cotton Gin is invented by Eli Whitney. This machine makes cotton picking and sorting faster.
  • Jefferson Presidency

    Jefferson is elected president of the United States of America. He was the third president and elected by the electoral college.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Napoleon offered the land of Louisiana which stretched from the south to the north. The deal was good but the offer stood for a short time so the government purchased the land from furnace.
  • Lincoln Prsidency

    Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He is most well known for the abolish of slavery and keeping the nation intact instead of the south seceding.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri was granted into the union as a slave state as long as California was a non-slave state. The mason Dixon line split the north and south from slavery.
  • Andrew Carnegie Born

    Andrew Carnegie is born. The multi-billion dollar business tycoon is born. Employed many people with harsh rules.
  • *Telegraph Invented*

    The telegraph is invented by Samuel F.B. Morse. This makes communication from separate locations possible.
  • *Sewing Machine Invented*

    The Sewing machine is invented by Elias Howe. This makes the creation of cloth into clothing much easier.
  • Dred Scott v. Stanford

    This was a major case on labor laws. The case was decided by the fact that if a slave owner brings his slave to a different state he isnt free even when in a free territory.
  • Fort Sumpter

    Fort Sumter located in South Carolina was attacked. This kicked off the civil war and led to further battles.
  • Emancipation proclamation

    This was a speech said by president Abraham Lincoln. This was an order to abolish slavery in the south and north and to re-unite the states.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    This was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. It caused thousands of deaths and was a turning point in the war for the north.
  • Thirteenth Amendment

    The Thirteenth Amendment is the official abolishment of slavery. This was able to be done because the victory of the north (Union) in the civil war.
  • Appomattox Court House

    This is the site where the final battle of the civil war happened. The south surrendered to the north making the north the winner of the civil war and keeping the states as one union.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at fords theater. He was shot in the back of the head by John Wilkes Booth.
  • *Transatlantic Cable Invented*

    The Transatlantic Cable is invented. This allows for quick communication between Europe and the United States.
  • *Telephone Invented*

    The invention of the telephone is created by Alexander Graham Bell making quick conversion from location to location without reading a code possible.
  • *Light bulb Invented*

    The light bulb gets invented by Thomas Edison. The use of candles for light is no longer needed with the creation of the light bulb.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This act prevented Chinese immigrants from entering the U.S. for labor reasons. This created more jobs for Americans at home.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    This was put in place to keep people from saying things against the U.S. during times of war. It was questioned for limited freedom of speech.
  • *Diesel Engine*

    The Diesel Engine is invented by the man himself Rudolf Diesel. This leads to more capability and stronger use of machines.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    This case questioned the racial segregation in public places. It kept the segregation as long as it was equal in quality.
  • Spanish American War

    The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine in Cuba started a conflict between the U.S. and Spain. It was a very long confusing war which took place everywhere from Cuba to the Philippians.
  • U.S.S. Maine Explosion

    The U.S.S. Maine explodes in Havana Harbor. This "starts" the Spanish American War even though it was most likely an internal explosion.
  • *Airplane is Invented*

    The first airplane is invented by Orville and Wilbur Wright. The possibilities of travel seem endless after their first flight.
  • *Ford Model T*

    The Ford Model T was in vented by Henry Ford. This was the first mass produced vehicle ever made that was affordable to the public. Henry Ford also setup the first automated assembly line making production quicker.
  • Woodrow Wilson Presidency

    Woodrow Wilson was president in the early 1900's. He was president during WWI and is most well known for his 14 points he proposed for peace after WWI.
  • WWI Begins

    The first World War begins. This was a long bloody conflict between the Triple Entente (Allied) Powers which was represented by Great Britain, France, and Russia against the Central Powers (Axis) Powers which was represented by Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire.
  • Panama Canal

    The panama canal was constructed to create a faster route between the Atlantic ocean and Pacific Ocean. This opened up trade routes throughout the world and created some diplomatic tension.
  • Battle of Belleau Wood

    This battle was a proving point for U.S. ground forces. They captured a large grouping of land and opened up the eyes of the world to the US' fierce military.
  • WWI Ends

    The first world war comes to an end with allies being victors. The conflict and struggle isn't over yet. President Wilson introduces 14 points to stop future conflict.
  • Teddy Roosevelt Presidency

    The former assistant secretary of the navy and former Vice President became the president of the United States. He was a fierce leader who knew what he wanted and executed it.
  • Andrew Carnegie Dies

    A major business, and political leader dies. He changed the worlds thought on workers rights forever.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    A cultural boom that started during the 1920's. African American cultural became much larger during this period of time. The great migration played a major part in the Harlem Renaissance.
  • 18th Amendment

    The 18th Amendment was the prohibition of alcohol in the states. This caused many people to dislike the government and it later was amended to make it legal to produce and consume alcohol.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This was the outcome of WWI. This states how each country is supposed to act and treat each other to keep a futur war from happening. Germany did not get included and hence the start of WWII.
  • 19th Amendment

    This amendment gave women the right to vote. This was a major breakthrough for women's rights and women suffragists.
  • President Woodrow Wilson Dies

    President Woodrow Wilson dies from a stroke making Warren G. Harding president.
  • Gitlow v. New York

    This case was a man trying to overthrow the government and he was convicted of treason. This started because of a manifest about a secondary type of philosophy.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The stock market crashed in 1929. This caused massive losses of money, jobs, and businesses. The housing market also crashed causing loss of homes on a mass scale.