Timeline 3 1800-1872

  • Capital moved

    The U.S. capital moved from Philadelphia to Washington D.C.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana was bought by the U.S. from France for 15 million dollars. Jefferson wanted to increase the United State's landmass.
  • War of 1812

    The U.S. declared war on Britain over their interference and prevention of American shipping to Europe as well as their interference with America's westward expansion.
  • Texas becomes a state

    Texas became a state after being a country itself. Texas broke from Mexico and there were still tensions. The statehood of Texas caused even more tension leading to the Mexican-American War.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected

    Abraham Lincoln was elected on this day. His election in-part cause the civil war. Soon after he was elected, South Carolina seceded from the Union and was then followed by the Civil War.
  • Confederate states form

    11 states seceded from the U.S. and the Confederate states were formed.
  • Civil War

    The Civil War was the conflict between the Union and the Confederacy over the expansion of slavery into western states and over the preservation of the Union. It became one of the deadliest wars in America.
  • End of Civil War

    Robert E. Lee surrendered the last major Confederate army to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse and ended the War