
Timeline 1850-1861

By maci1
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    Dred Scott

    A slave for Dr.Emerson. He traveled around with Dr. Emerson to even some states where slavery was banned. This is why he later petitions that he should be set free.
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    John Brown

    John Brown, a leading figure in the abolitionist movement, took aggressive actions against the Southerners and the government that enforce slavery. Brown became part of the movement in 1837. He believe that his life goal was to destroy slavery. On December 2, 1859, Brown was executed because he was found guilty of treason against the Commonwealth of Virginia in November.
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    Established by members of anti-slavery Whigs. They oppose the expansion of slavery into new territories, and in 1856 John C. Fremont, their first presidential candidate, won 11 of 16 Northern states. If the Republicans won the presidency, it would threaten the Southern states. In November 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the election for president.
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    Dred Scott Case

    This was Dred Scott's appeal to the Supreme Court case where he petitioned for his freedom. Scott said that because he had lived in Illinois with his master where there was no slavery and he should be a free man. This reasoning should have held as Missouri has a long-standing saying of "once free, always free" meaning that once those chains are broken like they were in Illinois Scott's chains could not be reattached.
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    Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin states issues over slavery and how it was viewed. Southern believed that Uncle Tom’s Cabin misrepresented slavery. While the Northern abolishment over slavery increase. Uncle Tom’s Cabin causes the North and South to split to widen even more. The novel also led to the contribution of the Civil War.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    The creation of the Kansas Nebraska Act was caused by the violence in Kansas/Nebraska because of the debate of slavery. The act divided the territory into two, where they decided if they would allow slavery or not.
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    Bloody Kansas

    As a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, declaring that popular sovereignty would be the deciding factor of whether there would be slavery, there was a bunch of violence. Pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups fought to the death over who would populate the area and declare whether there was slavery or not.
  • Brooks-Sumner Incident

    Brooks-Sumner Incident
    Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts gave a speech in which he attacked the institution of slavery. Afterward, Representatives Preston Brooks and Laurence Keitt of South Carolina were angered and decided to take matters into their own hands. Brooks beat Sumner with his cane on the Senate floor. Brooks beat Sumner so badly that not only did he break his cane during the incident but the injuries forced Sumner to take a leave of absence for three years from his Senate duties to recuperate.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    Series of 7 debates over slavery and its expansion into new territories. Douglas attacked Lincoln for his view on race. Douglas believed that he would grant slave citizenship rights. Although Lincoln says that his beliefs are shared in white supremacy, he still believes that slavery was wrong. By November 1858, the election was in favor of Lincoln with over 53% popular vote, but congressional districts favored the Democrats, and Douglas was chosen to return to the Senate by the state legislature
  • House-Divided Speech

    House-Divided Speech
    This speech was given by Abraham Lincoln when he was named at the last minute by the Republican party. The speech was aimed at his opponent Stephen A. Douglas and any who would think to support him.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Picture of Dred Scott.
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    Harper's Ferry

    John Brown led a raid against a federal armory in Harpers Ferry, Virginia (known as West Virginia today). His purpose for the raid was an attempt to armed enslaved people to rebel. Though the raid fails and it causes the North and South to form any agreement impossible. It's become an important movement of the Civil war.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    A picture of John Brown.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The first election that Abraham Lincoln was a candidate in. Abraham Lincoln won which added to the already high tension. Lincoln did not appear on any ballot in the south. But Lincoln won and was the first to win with less than 50% of the vote.
  • Le Compton Constitution

    Le Compton Constitution
    One of the two Constitutions passed to the Kansas State Government. A proslavery constitution for Kansas. This was also the first Constitution passed in Kansas.
  • Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Address

    Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Address
    The speech Lincoln gave on the steps of the White House before he was sworn in as the 16th President. This speech had been created with the inspiration of Henry Clay's 1850 Speech on Compromise, Webster's reply to Hayne, Andrew Jackson's Proclamation against nullification, and the U.S. Constitution.
  • Secession

    The Secession led to the establishment of the Civil war. 11 states, Lower and Upper South, cut off ties with the Union. These states adopted the Confederate State of America, while the other 21 states, northern and border states, keep the style and title of the United States. During the Civil war, the Union defeated the Confederate armies.
  • Election of 1865

    Election of 1865
    Abraham Lincoln was re-elected to serve a second term.