Timeline 1763-1774

  • proclamation of 1763

    This was signed by king George lll to divide territory which was a cause of the end of the seven years war. This division established that there couldn't be any type of English settlement on the west side of the Appalachian mountains. Colonists felt this was more of a control thing and lead to a lot of anger.
  • sugar act

    This act prohibited all foreign alcohol, and stop the smuggling of molasses and sugar from foreign areas outside from the British colonies. The colonist reacted with protest many colonists encouraged all colonies to join this protest.
  • currency act

    The currency took place the same year as the sugar act. This act was to protect the British merchants from the colonist economic system (currency). This effected the colonists because their paper currency was banned and all currency's was changed. so this was a huge win for the British.
  • stamp act

    The stamp act taxed everything including calendars, pamphlets, dice, legal documents, cards, etc. This was made by Britain. the stamps appeared on packages and documents to prove that the person had paid their taxes. If the stamps was counterfeited this resulted in death. Their was a penalty for everything. This act made colonists, merchants, and more outraged. This lead to financial hardships for merchants and took away the rights of the people
  • Declaratory act

    This act was a way to say that parliament had complete control over the colonies. the British felt like they should have total control and wasn't gonna stop. The British felt like they had the to tax the colonist. This was a result of the fail of the stamp act. The colonist ignored this act and boycotted. This resulted in Sam Adams writing the Circular letter.
  • Townshend acts

    This was a list of laws made by the British government against the colonist. This act put more taxes on the British and took away even more rights. They began to tax paint, glass, lead, tea, and imports of paper. this was one of the sparks to the American revolution, because at this point the colonist were furious.
  • Boston massacre

    This was a riot that took place on King Street in Boston between British soldiers and colonists. This riot was bloody and deadly. The cause of this was that the colonist was still angry at the British because of them being wrongfully taxed so they began to let their anger out on the troops.
  • intolerable acts

    This was four laws made by the British parliament to get back at the colonists for what they've done with the Boston tea party. One of these laws denied access to the harbor for the colonists until the paid for their damage
  • quartering act

    This act affected all American colonies. This act ensured that royal government had the control to house British soldiers. This took away the control from the colonist on where to house the British soilders so this didn't make them so happy.
  • Qubec Act

    This act was passed by parliament. This act gave the French religious freedom. This was a emancipation for the catholic church. this act was repealed in 1791.
  • Quartering act

    This act required colonist to provide British soldiers with housings in barracks. If the barrack was to small to fit all soldiers then the colonists had to provider shelter for them elsewhere such as inns and ale houses. The colonist resented this act because they were being taxed for the barracks so they protested against this act.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea party was a political protest the was a build up of anger from all past events with taxes. The colonist was angry with the British because of " taxation without representation" . So they poured 342 chest of tea into the harbor that was sent by the British East Indian Company. This lead to the British imposing stricter laws against the Massachusetts colony.