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The Color Yellow

  • Default Yellow

    Back in 2017 someone told me that they hated yellow
  • Yellow isn’t that pretty

    That made me realize yellow isn’t that pretty
  • But there’s other yellows

    The thing about colors is that there isn’t an specific color. They all have shades and different hues.
  • Different yellows

    I didn’t hate yellow but neither did I dislike it. That was until i found honey yellow and pastel yellow.
  • Still it’s dislike

    I guess it depends what yellow the person pictures when talk about yellow. Example the reason i don’t love yellow is because it reminds me of mustard. I hate mustard.
  • Second issue

    When the colors start looking like other colors to the point of not being able to distinguish both colors.
  • Yellow and orange

    Sometime yellow gets confuse by orange, and viceversa. So if people like yellow do they like it because it looks like orange
  • Liking yellow is confusing

    I think there’s people who hate yellow or love it. Then there’s people like me who are just confused.