
time-toast continued

  • Jefferson write the DOI

    five people who helped write to DOI is Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Rodger Sherman, and Robert Livingston.
  • Battles of Trent and New Jersey

     Battles of Trent and New Jersey
    the battle took place on December 26 1776 in Trenton new jersey.
  • Manumission

    it is a word that means released from slavery
  • American and British Battle of Saratoga

    Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold led the american war to a victory over the British.
  • Howe captures Philadelphia

    Howe captures Philadelphia
    in this war the British are trying to take control over Philadelphia.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    the articles of confederation is an agreement of the first 13 states
  • State Constitutions

    State Constitutions
    the state constitutions established certain organs of government for the state
  • Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

    they stoped slavery by a the law back in march 2, 1807
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    a military conducted by general George Washington victory at Saratoga in September and October
  • John Paul Jones & Serapis

    John Paul Jones & Serapis
    this battle took place on September 23, 1779 serapis was better equipped and faster
  • Spain Declares war on Great Britain

    Spain Declares war on Great Britain
    in 1779 Spain declares war on great Britain creating a de facto alliance with the Americans
  • British forces capture Charles Town

    the war began march 29 to may 12 1780. British victory.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    the British surrendered on october 19 1781 to give the Americans a victory.
  • Treaty of Paris

    king george the III
  • Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers

     Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers
    june 1784 spain closed the mississippi river that was the western boundary of the United States and also guaranteed Americans the right of free navigation
  • The Ordinance of 1785

    The Ordinance of 1785
    on may 20, 1785 the ordinance was set up to standardized system whereby settlers could purchase title to farmland in the undeveloped west
  • The North West Ordinance

    The North West Ordinance
    its a government for the northwest territory
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    it was an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts
  • Land Act of 1800

    Land Act of 1800
    on april 15, 1800 the government approved the harrison land act.