Time period 4 chloe rivera

  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    Established Judicial Review. This allows for the Supreme Court to determine constitutionality.
  • SteamBoats

    allowed for an increased efficiency of river transportation and travel. Benefited economy by allowing for the opening of markets allowed for a expanded flow of goods throughout the US and other nations.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    A law passed by congress forbidding the export of goods from the US. Hurt our economy and revived federalists. One factor that led to the war of 1812.
  • Chesapeake v. Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake v. Leopard Affair
    American (Chesapeake) denied the British (leopards) to board their ship to look for deserted people. Leopard fired Chesapeake and us expelled all British ships until an apology was issued.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The reasons for this war were the British attempted to restrict US trade, British navy impressment of American seamen, and the US desire to expand westward.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    ended war of 1812...Captured territories were restored. Also set up discussion on the dispute between Canada/ U.S border
  • Era of good feeling

    Era of good feeling
    During Presidents Monroe term. lasted till 1825. Rise of the middle class, growth in the economy, territory expansion and strong nationalism.
  • McCullogh v. Maryland

    McCullogh v. Maryland
    Established principle that the government was supreme over the states. Case had to do with a Maryland native who refused to pay taxes. The decision was that congress can charter a bank and Maryland had no power.
  • Tallmadge Amendment

    Tallmadge Amendment
    South saw this amendment as a threat. No more slaves would be brought into Missouri and the emancipation of children born to slave parents.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Was created to settle disputes over admittance of states based on participation in slavery. Repealed with Kansas-Nebraska act. An agreement between Northern and Southern states that disputed which territories are admitted as a slave state into the union.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Stated that America should not interfere with Europes affairs and vice versa. US isolationism and neutrality.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    Reasserted the right that congress can regulate interstate commerce.
  • Tariff of abominations

    Tariff of abominations
    Taxes raised on raw materials and manufactured goods. This tax angered the South but helped the North. Led to sectionalist ideas in the south.
  • Spoils system

    Spoils system
    The appointment of democrats in office to gain political favors. Also a system of promoting acquaintances of the group in power.
  • Adam Onis Treaty

    Adam Onis Treaty
    Florida given to the US by Spain and can claim territory up to the 42nd parallel, for this the US gave up Texas.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Allows for the executive branch to create treaties. Also allows for the US to negotiate land-exchange treaties and allows for the removal of Native Americans from US states. Leads to 2 SCOTUS cases.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    Calhoun supported. States had a right to reject federal law if unconstitutional. Federal Protective Tariffs are declared null and void.
  • Specie Circular

    Specie Circular
    Meant to stop land circulation. This was an executive order that determined by the government land must be purchased with gold and silver (hard money).
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    Economic downturn. Factors that contributed are the veto of the second bank, low money reserves and the lack of executive branch support. The effects it had were mass unemployment, suspension of up to 800 business, and a 6 year economic recession.
  • Seneca Falls convention

    Seneca Falls convention
    Suffragist meeting to discuss women's suffrage and enfranchisement. In search of political equality and the declaration of sentiments was drafted.