Time period 3

  • seven years war

    seven years war
    Known as the French & Indian war. This war was the French vs. England for control of North America east of the Mississippi river. The British ally with the Iroqouis confederacy. Other natives sided with the French. Most important colonial battle between England and France.
  • Pontiacs rebellion

    Pontiacs rebellion
    An Indian uprising after French and Indian war. Opposed British expansion into western Ohio Valley, Indian attack on British settlements and forts after France ceded to the British its territory east of the Mississippi River. Attacks ended when chief Pontiac was killed.
  • Peace of Paris

    Peace of Paris
    Treaty with Britain, France, and Spain that ended the war. With this treaty Britain won Canada and all of US east of the Mississippi.
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    4 measures in reaction to the Boston tea party. These acts forced for the payment of tea, disallowed colonial trials of British soldiers, forced quartering of soldiers, and the number of elected officials in Massachusetts was reduced.
  • Olive branch petition

    Olive branch petition
    Adopted by Continental congress, Colonies final peace offer to Britain. They agreed to be loyal to Britain if they addressed their grievances. Ended taxation without representation and coercive acts. This was rejected by Parliament. Sparked many battles.
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    Made the colonies break with Britain official. Drafted by second continental congress. Created ideas that colonies were states. Contained that all men are created equal, and unalienable rights, as well as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
  • Common sense

    Common sense
    Written by Thomas Paine. Attacked English principles of hereditary rule and monarchial government. Allowed for colonists to realize mistreatment they were experiencing.
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    First frame of government in the US. Focused on a weak central government and was replaced by constitution. Congress lacked power to tax and regulate trade.
  • treaty of Paris

    treaty of Paris
    Ended revolutionary war, American independence from Britain was noticed. Border between Canada and US was established. Fixed Mississippi rivers western border and surrendered Florida to Spain.
  • shays rebellion

    shays rebellion
    Seek for debt relief through the issuing of paper currency and lowering taxes. This was to prevent courts from seizing property from indebted farmers.
  • 3/5 compromise

    3/5 compromise
    Allowed for 3/5ths of slave population to be counted in determining each states representation in the house and its electoral votes for president.
  • Checks and Balances

    Checks and Balances
    A systematic balance that prevents each branch of government from overpowering other branches. Also allows for branches to check what the other branches are doing, encouraging constitutionality.
  • Judiciary act

    Judiciary act
    Established a federal district court in each state and three circuit courts to hear appeals. Supreme Court will have the final say. Created judiciary branch and attorney generals office.
  • whiskey rebellion

    whiskey rebellion
    Violent protest by farmers in the West against the excise tax on whiskey.
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights
    First ten amendments added to US constitution. Guaranteed individual rights against federal government infringements. Granted rights like freedom of speech and right to bear arms.
  • jay treaty

    jay treaty
    Treaty with Britain, Britain agreed to vacate forts in NW territories, and disagreements were settled with commissions (payed for seized ships, paid merchants owed debts). Addressed the differences between the US and Britain.
  • Pinckney Treaty

    Pinckney Treaty
    US and Spains treaty. Allowed for US transport goods on the Mississippi River and to store goods in New Orleans port.
  • XYZ affair

    XYZ affair
    Diplomatic incident between US and France. French enraged by Jays treaty. Lead to quasi-war. Payments were demanded to stop French plundering of American ships. Refusal to pay this bribe was followed by 2 years of undeclared sea war with France.
  • Alien & sedition acts

    Alien & sedition acts
    4 measured passed during undeclared war with France. Limited the freedoms of speech and press and restricted the liberty of noncitizen. More difficult for foreigners to become citizens and also made criticizing the government illegal.
  • KY & VA resolutions

    KY & VA resolutions
    Made to get rights back that were taken away from the alien and sedition acts. Brought Compact theory, gives states more power than the federal government.