Time Line

  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth
    Babe Ruth Retires
    On June 2nd, Babe Ruth, also known as the greatest major leauge baseball player, retires after 22 seasons of play major leauge baseball. Also, some of his home run records stood until 1974.
  • The Letter

    The Letter
    Szilárd letter
    In 1960 Leo Szilard wrote a letter that Albert Einstein signed. This letter containe a warning message to the presideient (Franklin D. Roosevelt) that Germany could possibly develop atomic bombs. Also, the leter contained a suggestion that we should start our own nuculear program.
  • The U.S. Occupies Iceland

    The U.S. Occupies Iceland
    U.S. Ocupies Iceland
    In 1941, the U.S. occupied Iceland. When this occured, the U.S. took over it's defense from Great Brottan. Also, they attempted to thwart a potential invasion by Nazi Germany.
  • Guadalcanal Campaign

    Guadalcanal Campaign
    On Agust 7th, 1942, forces were allied. However, they were mostly Americans.
  • U.S. Tragedy Of World War II

    U.S. Tragedy Of World War II
    Durrint World War II, the biggest U.S. tragedy happened when two ships loading ammo in Chicago. Tragically, Naval Weapons Station in California explodes. This horrific accident killed three hundred and twenty people.
  • Boston Banits

    Boston Banits
    In boston, the Brinks robbery occurs when eleven masked bandits steal $2.8 million. The oney was stolen from a car that was havily armored outside their express office. It was almost the perfect crime. However six years the eleven bandits were caught