
Time Jump back to the 1800!

  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    The Louisiana purchase was a purchase america made from spain. Spain wanted money, and so they sold the teritory of Louisiana for only 15 million.
  • Lewis and Clark Expidition

    Lewis and Clark Expidition
    The Lewis and Clark Expidition was set to map their new territory, that lasted 2 years. Their second plan was to collect new species of life in their territory.
  • The war of 1812 (The second civil war)

    The war of 1812 (The second civil war)
    A war that lasted three years, this war was throught the americans and the canadian seddilers. The americans saw themselves as "liberaters" of the canadian seddilers, and wanted their land, but lost. http://www.historynet.com/westward-expansion
  • Missouri Comperimise

    Missouri Comperimise
    When Missouri, who ownes slaves appied for statehood, many apposed of the expantion of slavery. They continued rejecting untill two years later.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Presidant Andrew Jackson passed the Indian removal act, wich removed native americans out of their anchent land. They where sent to Oklahoma, where they could "live and not be inturupted."
  • Mexico wins independance

    Mexico wins independance
    The mexicans won independance from spain and taxes California and Texas and new Mexico.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine
    The The Monroe Doctrine Said that any further land that was unclaimed, was now the americans. Any action to claim the land would be taken as a invasion of their territory.
  • Erie canal

    Erie canal
    A canal built to make a waterway to new york so that it would be easier to ship goods in and out of new york.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon trail was created by hunters. It was only usable by foot or by horse. This trail was a deadly jorney that could take months to walk.
  • "Manifest Destiny"

    "Manifest Destiny"
    When the americans won the war, and doubled their territory, they felt like they where "moraly superior" than everyone else, and that they where "destened" to expand. The word "Manifest destiny" was something they'd say because of this.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo officaly gave america Texas and some land from Mexico streching across north america.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush was started when James Marshall found gold at sutter's mill. He kept it a secrit untill someone found out and put it in the news. Later, thousends rushed to california to get a chunk of the action, many sold all to get some, but in the end, only the merchants profited.
  • Califonia becomes a state

    Califonia becomes a state
    The gold rush had a big part in this, because of the boom towns that where built when people whent serching for gold. Califonia was never called a territory and became a state straight away.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The Gadsden Purchase was the last purchase america made for land. The land was worth 10 million.
  • The first Transcontinental Telegram

    The first Transcontinental Telegram
    The first telegram across the US was created making any news more reliable, and fast.
  • Homesend acts

    Homesend acts
    The homesend act was passed giving farmland to families a certan size. This was ment to bring families west.
  • Alaska Purchase

    Alaska Purchase
    The purchase of Alaska from Russia costed 7.2 Million. This was negotiated by Secretary of State William Seward, who also signed the treaty.
  • Transcontinental Railroad compleated

    Transcontinental Railroad compleated
    The first transcontinental railroad was compleated conecting the adlantic to the pacific ocean. it was a more efficent and faster way of traviling than the oregon trail.
  • Battle of little big horn

    Battle of little big horn
    A war between the cheyanne tribe and the americans, this war was the last war that natives fought with weapons to defend themselves. In the end, the native americans won.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    The Dawes Act was to break up native land, so that individual native americans owned land. The Dawes act was to give natives land, and to help them assimilate with the americans.