Thursday Next, First among sequels, Jasper Fforde, 365 pages, fic

  • p1-189

    Thursday Next has 4 other books before this which provide marvolous background and I've read them all but they will take too long to summarize. Thursday's 16 yr old son, Friday, must join the Chrono Guard to save the world but refuses to. Goliath International Corporation has been trying to find an enterence into the book world for some time and has finally succeded. Thursday in Specops is dealing undercover cheese, and in Jurisfiction (book police) is training 2 new apprentices.
  • p190-290

    Thursday 1-4 is revealed to be evil, Thursday5 is fired from jurisfiction. Friday is revealed to have been working against the chronoguard for a while, and is looking for the recipe for unscrambled eggs. Mycroft appears for the last time, Spike and Thursday kill a demon. Aornis is messing with Thursday's mind, and has made her think that she has a daughter that she really doesn't.
  • 291-345

    Goliath maroons travel-book-less Thursday in an oral tradition, where she is able to escape. Thursday journeys to a poem to kill the recipe for unscrambled eggs for Friday, and succeeds. Thurday1-4 is erased in order to save Thursday, and Thursday 5is re-evaluated.
  • p 345-365 (420 pages so far)

    Thursday5 is trained to be the new Thursday Next where Thursday 1-4 erased thwe book, the Chrono-guard is eradicated, and someone (a serial killer, who kills stars of series') tries to kill Thursday. And so the book ends.