Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn: July 18, 1922- June 17, 1996

  • Paradigm Shift

    A paradigm is a basic framework of rules, assumptions and methods that members of a community can work within. In science there are a set of norms that all scientists behave and operate in regardless of their school of thought. Kuhn used the term "normal science" to describe research conducted within this paradigm. "Normal science' can be disturbed when there are anomalies that are observed but can not be explained using the current paradigm.
  • Paradigm Shift

    Thomas Kuhn is a well known philosopher of science. In his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Kuhn argued that science does not progress in a linear route but within a paradigm, and that paradigm has the ability to shift as new observations are made. Kuhn believed that all science falls into a fundamental paradigm.
  • Paradigm Shift

    Crisis can arise from not being able to explain new developments, and from the perceived failure changes to the old theory occur. These revolutionary changes, create a new paradigm in which to few the old problem. Examining and researching the problem in the new paradigm creates a new "normal science" phase, and the process repeats itself. An example of this theory is Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection replacing Lamarckain's.
  • MLA Citations

    "Thomas Kuhn And The Paradigm Shift - Philosopher Of The Month | Oupblog". Oupblog, 2019,"
    Thomas Kuhn (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)". Plato.Stanford.Edu, 2018,
    McLeod, S. A. (2020, May 01). Thomas kuhn - science as a paradigm. Simply Psychology.