
Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)

  • Kuhn Life, Education and Career (1922-1996)

    Kuhn Life, Education and Career (1922-1996)
    *Thomas Kuhn original interests where in physics rather than the philosophy of science. in 1943, he graduated summa cum laude from Harvard. In 1946, he earned his masters degree in physics and a doctorate in 1949. *His interest in the history and philosophy of science didn't begin until teaching a science class to undergraduates.
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1922-1996)

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1922-1996)
    *In his infamously and academically cited book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (1962), Kuhn depicts a very different picture of science compared to his previous mentors or successors.
    * When Kuhn began to study the history of science, he thought that the development is not uniform but has "normal" and "revolutionary" phases (Bird, 2018).
    *This idea would later contribute to his paradigm shift ideology and theory.
  • Kuhn's Paradigm Concept (1922-1996)

    Kuhn's Paradigm Concept (1922-1996)
    *According to Kuhn, a mature and developed science goes through alternating phases of normal and revolutionary periods.
    *A normal phase is the theories, metaphysical assumptions and values are fixed while in a revolutionary phase, the "disciplinary matrix" goes under review. This is to permit the solution of more puzzling and anomalous questions that had disturbed the portion of normal science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tasVTgZc9Gw
  • Thomas Kuhn and Incommensurability (1922-1996)

    Thomas Kuhn and Incommensurability (1922-1996)
    *Thomas Kuhn had created three types of Incommensurability as illustrated in his book. The first being, methodological. The second, perceptual/observational and the third, semantic.
    *Kuhns views and thesis on Incommensurability created an issue with other scientists during this time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euE7PP_RUfk
  • Works Cited

    *Bird, Alexander. "Thomas Kuhn". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2018/entries/thomas-kuhn/.
    *Crocker, W.B. "Yale 7, Harvard 3". Historical Football Posters. 2007. http://www.historicfootballposters.com/fp_poster.php?416+Harvard.
  • Works Cited Cont.

    *Hung, Edwin. "Beyond Kuhn..". Beyond Kuhn: Scientific Explanation, Theory Structure Incommensurability and Physical Necessity. 2006. https://bookspics.com/ebooks/kuhn-scientific-explanation-theory-structure-incommensurability-physical-necessity/
    *Mattu, Ali. "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". 10 Essential Psychology Books. November 18, 2013.http://brainknowsbetter.com/news/2013/11/13/the-10-essential-psychology-books-i-read-in-graduate-school