Thomas Jefferson Presidency

  • Election Turning Point

    Election Turning Point
    In the election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied for president with seventy-three votes each. After a long debate the House of Representatives elected Jefferson as president. This election was the first in history peaceful transfer of power from one party to another in a modern republic.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana terriroty which was only about fifteen million dollars. In total the purchase gained America about 828,000,000 square miles of land. The republic's new area now stretched from east of the Mississippi River to west of the Rocky Mountians.
  • embargo act of 1807

    embargo act of 1807
    The Embargo Act of 1807 was put into place by president Thomas Jefferson. The act declared to stop trade with Great Britain and France immediately, unless in emergency. Jefferson hoped that the act would boost american economy and help the two countries to take America more seriously. Instead the Embargo Act crashed the economy and Americans knew it. The act would eventually lead to the war of 1812.