Thomas Jefferson

  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

  • Stamp Act- Political

    The Stamp Act applied to all colonists in America. Colonists in the United States were required to pay taxes on every paper they purchased.
  • British Groups Arrive in Boston, MA -MIlitary

    British troops were sent to America to create order. This resulted in Americans who immediately retaliated.
  • Boston Massacre- Social

    This was a fight between colonists and British. Altogether five civilians died and several were injured.
  • Meeting at Faneuil- Social

    A meeting was held the day after the Boston massacre to discuss what the cause of the massacre was. Sam Adams, a major leader during this time period was in charge of this meeting. He demanded justice and wanted the British to leave.
  • Boston Tea Party- Social

    Colonists were forced to start paying taxes on tea, a very popular drink. This resulted in the throwing of tea into the Boston Harbor. Colonists sank the barrels in protest of the taxes.
  • First Continental Congress- Political

    This meeting was called in order to decide on how to act against the Intolerable Acts. They chose to boycott British goods in response to the act.
  • Second continental Congress- Political

    This meeting was held because British troops were causing trouble in the colonies. The British did not stop, this resulted in the drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Washington becomes commander-in-Cheif- Military

    Washington was appointed commander n chief by other men in the continental army.
  • Independence Day Political

    The day the United States of America proclaimed Independence from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was created on this very day. It guaranteed Americans freedom from Britain.
  • Vermont Abolishes Slavery-Social

    The first colony to abolish slavery was in Vermont. It was only for men older than 21 and women over 18 but it was a great start.
  • First Constitutional Convention- Political

    The meeting was held to make a new constitution and to decide on how the colonies would be governed.
  • Three-fifth Compromise- Social

    This was a law passed that every 3 of 5 slaves would be considered in determining the House of Representatives. Northerners thought slaves should not be represented because they were property, on the other hand southerners wanted slaves to be partially represented with the whites.
  • Jefferson becomes Secretary of State- Political

    Jefferson became Secretary of State by the appointing of George Washington the president at the time.
  • Coinage Act- Econimic

    This act was very important to the United States. It caused the nation to have the same currency which was the dollar bill.
  • Cotton Gin was Patented- Technological

    Eli Whiney was the created of the cotton gin. He was a great inventor and others began to make their own models and he needed to patent it. The patent did not go through till 1807.
  • Jefferson becomes the third President- Political

    Thomas Jefferson tied with the other candidate Aaron Burr but he succeeded when the House of Representatives voted him into office.
  • The Louisiana Purchase- Economic

    Thomas Jefferson was president for two terms and in his first term, he had a huge priority on his hands. He wanted to expand the American land, he did this by buying the Louisiana purchase from France.
  • Embargo of 1807-Economic

    This ship sent illegal exports out of the United states. This caused the American economy to go downhill.
  • The War of 1812- Militar

    America was hoping to stay out of Europe's business with Napoleon but failed trying. Britain restricted the United States trade. The United States Economy was decreasing rapidly. Because of this, America went to war with Great Britain.
  • Stethoscope was invented- Technological

    Rene Laenecc invented the stethescope at the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital in Paris. There has been no documentation of the specific date of when the stethoscope was created but it was in the year 1816.