Thomas Jefferson-19th Century Timeline

  • Thomas Jefferson Born

  • Protest over Boston Port Act

    Social- In this event, the people and citizens throughout Virginia proclaim that they will be fasting in order to create a protest against the Bost Port Act that was put into place. The Boston Port Act was when the Brititsh Parliment passed the Act stating the residents pay for the tea that was dumped into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party.
  • "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"

    Political- This event is when Patrick Henry gives his famous "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech during the Second Virginia Convention. This was stated because he was attempting to urge residents and people to revolt against the England in efforts to create independence.
  • American Revolutionary War

    Military- This is the start of the Revolutionary War with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. This was the start of the defeat of the British by the Americans and the thirteen colonies.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Economic- Thomas Jefferson attends the Second Contiental Congress meeting. This is a meeting of delegates selected from the Thirteen Colonies in which became the governing body of the colonies during intense times such as the American Revolution.
  • Open Rebellion

    Social- In this event, King George III of England announces that the Thirteen Colonies are in a rebellion, open rebellion, against Great Britian in order to attempt to achieve their own independence away from England.
  • Common Sense Published

    Social- At this time, Thomas Paine publishes and releases his book, Common Sense. This book was created to opnely verbalize that the Thirteen Colonies were looking for their own independance. This was directed towards the British government and favored the people of the colonies to voice their opinions.
  • Jefferson Appointed Another Term for Congress

    Political- This is important because directly during this event Thomas Jefferson begins the drafting of the Declaration of independence and is put on the committee for the creation of it.
  • Declaration of Independence Presented to Congress

    Political- This is the beginning of the finalizing of the independence of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain. Congress from this point has the chance to approve of the Declaration of Independence which declares the colonies no longer part of Britain.
  • Virginia First State Government

    Political- Here, the Virginia Convention accepts the consitiution which makes and forms the first state government of the colonies.
  • Acceptance of the Declaration of Independence

    Political- This is officially Independence Day. Congress accepts the Declaration of Independence and the Thirteen Colonies are offically their own government and are no longer property or under rule of England.
  • Capture of Benedict Arnold

    Military- This man was originally on the American side of the Revolutionary War. However, he decided to change sides and fight with the Brtitsh army. Because of this he was charged with treason from the Americans. He was captured by the Continentals in Richmond, Virginia.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Political- This is a treaty signed by the Americans and England that offically marks the end of the American Revoltionary War.
  • Ratification of the Consitution of the United States

    Political- This was a completely different form of government that had been established. This is where the Articles of Confederation were abandoned and the United States Consitiution was created.
  • French Revolution

  • Jefferson becomes President

    Economic- This is an important event because the third president of the United States was declared. Thomas Jefferson is involved with the exploration and purchase of the western lands of the Thirteen Colonies.
  • Mabury v. Madison

    Social- This was the basis for Judical Review which is delcaring "consitutional' or "inconstitutional." In Mabury v. Madison, Mabury felt as though his petition was not properly given to the court because of Madison's refusal to deliver Mabuy's documents. This was seen as unconsitutional which allowed the creation of the courts Judical Review.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Cultural- This is a major event for the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson purchases all land of the Louisiana Territory for fifteen million dollars. This was land west of the Mississippi River.This is the land in which Lewis and Clark later explored.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Social- Lewis and Clark of the United States were sent on a journey by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the new land that was purchased in the Louisiana Purchase. From St. Louis, Lewis and Clark travel from 1804 to 1806 to the Pacific Ocean and back to the president to tell and explain what they found in the new land that was now owned by America.
  • British Ships Ban from America

    Economical- This is part of delcaring independence from Britain. The Embargo Act of 1807 stated that it would no longer be tolerated to have imports and exports with Britain.
  • Slaves Ban by Law

    Cultural- The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807 stated that slaves were no longer to be imported to the United States to any ports from anywhere in the world. There would be no more slave trade to the United States of America.
  • Thomas Jefferson Death