
They All Fall Down

  • They All Fall Down

    They All Fall Down
    The main characters are Kenzie Summerhall, Molly Russell, Kenzie's mom, the girls on the list, Levi, and Nurse Fedder. The main setting is at Vienna High School. Kenzie Summerhall was never one of the girls that guys liked, but that all changed when she got voted onto The List. The List is a group of juniors that are the popular, pretty girls. This year something has changed. One by one the girls are getting killed by freak accidents, but Kenzie is wondering are they really accidents.
  • Event 1- The List

    Event 1- The List
    Kenzie was going on a drive when all of the sudden she starts hydroplaning heading for an intersection. When Kenzie stomps on the brakes they don’t work, and a black pickup truck will hit her if she can’t stop. She speeds through the intersection eyes closed until Kenzie realizes she is fine on the side of the road, and she finds her phone and has a text from her mom and her best friend Molly saying, “You’re FIFTH on the list”. Thinking: This event starts the snowball of events.
  • Event 2-Mysterious Levi

    Event 2-Mysterious Levi
    Kenzie is sitting in Calculus, and she leaves the class to get some silence as she wanders the halls as she thinks about her three years of high school. She stops and sits down to rest just as the infamous Levi Sterling comes around the corner. He stops and asks her if she is ok then asks her about the list and eventually convinces Kenzie to tutor him in math. Thinking: Levi is a bad boy and because Kenzie doesn’t want the list to define her like the others, so she decides to help him.
  • Event 3-The First is Killed

    Event 3-The First is Killed
    Kenzie is riding to Molly’s house for a sleepover, but just as she arrives at Molly’s, she comes running out of her house yelling at Kenzie to get inside. A tragedy has happened, Olivia Thayne, number one on the list, has died. Levi is the main suspect because he was arguing with Olivia just before she jumped, so he is taken in for questioning but is not convicted. Thinking:Because Levi is a suspect, Kenzie starts to trust him less and less, but he may be the only person she can trust.
  • Event 4-Number 2 is Next

    Event 4-Number 2 is Next
    Kenzie is at home reading Letters to Atticus by Cicero, a Latin book, when all of the sudden her mom comes flying through the door sheet white and slack-jawed. Her mom tells her that another one is dead, Chloe Batista is dead. Kenzie and her mom look through social media sites wondering what killed Chloe, and they find out that she died from anaphylactic shock. Kenzie is wondering if Chloe was actually murdered. Thinking: I think that this is when Kenzie really starts thinking that it is murder.
  • Event 5-Nurse Fedder

    Event 5-Nurse Fedder
    Nurse Christine Fedder was on the list when she was in Vienna High School, and she is Kenzie’s source for the history of the list. Christine tells her that there have been accidents before, from the curse of the list, but the only problem is that there is never any proof. All of the deaths have been freak accidents, and there have been 11 deaths over 30 years. If someone on the list tries to expose the killer they are next to die. Thinking:This is when Kenzie starts to investigate the killings.
  • Event 6-The Ropes Course

    Event 6-The Ropes Course
    Kenzie and Levi are trying to get rid of the black pickup truck following them, so Levi goes into the woods where the ropes course is for the Collier scholarship. They get there and Levi explains the course, which has Latin written as clues everywhere, it has many different obstacles with different instructions for each obstacle. They then figure out that the gold coin Levi found and held onto is a tracker. Thinking: This reminds me of when I went ziplining in an obstacle course.
  • Event 7-Blaming Levi

    Event 7-Blaming Levi
    Kenzie is lost in the woods, but she hears voices and follows them to find Josh Collier, his friends, and the girls from the list that are still alive. She overhears that They are planning on blaming the killings on Levi, her new boyfriend, because he already has a record. Soon after Levi finds her hiding behind a tree, and they are having to hide from their peers. Thinking: This reminds me of an episode of Castle. The murderer was someone who blamed it on a felon who was innocent.
  • Event 8-Connor's Death

    Event 8-Connor's Death
    Kenzie had a brother named Connor, but he died two years ago in a freak accident. Kenzie soon figured out that Connor had done the ropes course to get the Collier scholarship, but wrote a note to everyone saying not to attempt the course. Out of curiosity Kenzie and Levi go into Connor’s room and figure out that he did the ropes course the night before he died. Thinking: I thought that the course was a way of killing people, but then I thought that the course is for a secret society of killers.
  • Event 9-3 and 4 are down

    Event 9-3 and 4 are down
    As Levi and Kenzie are searching Connor’s room, they both get texts saying that Amanda and Kylie are dead. They ran off the Seneca Bridge while going to their cousin’s house, and most of the girls believe that they died because Amanda told her cousin everything about the list. The curse struck again this time with two girls at the same time instead of just one. Thinking: There have been many movies that I have seen where the main characters have an accident and run off of a bridge.
  • Event 10-The Killers Get Killed

    Event 10-The Killers Get Killed
    Josh Collier’s dead father, Jarvis, ends up being the killer along with Rex Collier. Jarvis makes Kenzie drive into the woods by threatening Molly, who is knocked out. They end up getting away from Jarvis, but then Kenzie is in the caves, another obstacle of the ropes course, and Rex tries to kill her. The tables turn and Kenzie knocks Rex off of a rock ledge and dies, but after finding Josh he finds out that his father killed his mom and ends up killing his father.Thinking: What just happened?!
  • Reflection

    The book overall was very good because you had your suspects, but there are major changes so the suspects change. I would definitely recommend it to a friend, but it does have some darker stuff in it. I would love to watch the movie if there was one. It was very believable, and I got sucked into it right away. I could not put the book down. I was reading in class in between activities or whenever I had free time to read the book. I would not change a thing about the book. I loved it!