Theoretical Turning Points

  • Scientific Management

    Scientific Management
    Developed by Frederick Taylor in 1913
    Also known as Taylorism
    Scientific Manangement deals with analyzing work flows and making them as efficient as possible.
    Funtional Perspective.
  • Principles of Coordination

    Principles of Coordination
    Devloped by Mary Parker Follett.
    Principles of Coordination focuses on a coordinated, cohesive environment. This theory supports the idea that employers should look out for their workers' well-being and should provide a cooperative atmosphere to keep a business running smoothly.
    Meaning Centered
  • Hawthorn Effect

    Hawthorn Effect
    Developed by Elton Mayo
    Research started in 1927.
    Mayo performed experiments in the Hawthorn plant. He experiemented with external factors he thought could have an effect on the workers in the plant. What he found was that the altering of the physical conditions in the plant weren't effecting productivity, but because the workers were aware they were being monitored they were performing more efficiently.
    Meaning Centered
  • Bureaucracy

    Developed by Max Weber in 1947
    Bureaucracy calls for a division of labor.
    Relies heavily on rules and authority.
    There is a chain of command and hierarchy of authority it a bureacratic model. Basically, there should be one person who contains the control over the company and the power
    decreases from person to person as it goes down the chain of command.
    Funtional Perspective
    Functional Perspective
  • Theory X and Theory Y

    Developed by Douglas McGregor
    Theory X - Management believe that employees are lazy and that they need to be closely monitored ar all times. Employees need to know they will be rewarded in order for them to have any work ethic.
    Theory Y - Management believe that the employees have a strong work ethic and do not need to be supervised because they are ambitious in their work.
    Meaning Centered
  • Participative Management

    Participative Management
    Developed by Rensis Likert in 1961
    This theory encourages employees from all levels of an organization to feel free to express their ideas or opinions of the company that may have an effect on them.
    Meaning Centered
  • Systems Approach

    Developed by Daniel Katz and Robert Kahn
    The systems approach looks at the "bigger picture" and focuses on input and outputs of a larger environment. In this theory more feedback input will result in greater output.
    Meaning Centered/Emerging
  • Cultural Approaches

    -Organizational Culture Formation
    -The Strong Cultural Perspective
    -Subculture Perspective Cultural approaches are developed around the idea that the surrounding cultures influence the organization internally and externally.
  • Feminist Organizational Theories

    Feminists Theories critique the standard gender assumptions. In organizations Men are viewed as raational while women are viewed as more emotional. In a worldview women are seen as less valuable in the workplace than men. Feminist Thoeries seek to understand the reasoning for this. Emerging
  • Critical Theory

    Critical Theory
    Critical Theory can be traced back to Carl Marx
    Critical Theory seeks to understand the balance of power in relationships and organizaational life in modern society.