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theodore roosevelt

  • he was born

    he was born
    theodore roosevelt is born
  • returns from spanish american war.

    returns from spanish american war.
    theo went in the american spsnaish war as a rough rider and came out a hero he later became presdent of the navy
  • named president roosvelt

    named president roosvelt
    after being vice prsedent roosevelt becomes presednt when presedent mckinly is assaianted.
  • energy crsis

    energy crsis
    people went on coal strike and they had to make better energy ways damns windmills where made. all part of the progression of theo
  • nickednamed teddy

    nickednamed teddy
    teddy was hunting bear on day and came across a baby teddy bear and wouldnt kill it and got the name teddy
  • elkins act passed

    elkins act passed
    an act put in place by theo that would fine railroad companys rebates.
  • pelican island

    pelican island
    pelican island was introuduce to be the first unit of the us national wildlife program

    he made sure the panama canal was compelte and done he even helped with his own bare hands
  • wins first full presdental election

    wins first full presdental election
    he wins his 2 term after becoming president of his frist term because the president was aassinated.
  • devils tower

    devils tower
    first moument in america history
  • pure food and drug act passed

    pure food and drug act passed
    theodore roosevelt passed the pure food an drug act to insurre saftey of consumers
  • runs for prez

    runs for prez
    runs for prez for bullmoose party and lost.
  • leaves office

    leaves office
    teddy leave office and vist africa becaus ehe loves animals