The Way to Revoultion

  • End of French and Indian War

    End of French and Indian War
    This marks the end of the French and Indian War. This was fought by the British and the French with the help of native american allies. The British won but the debut was high so they started placing new taxes on the colonies. The colonists refused to pay the taxes which lead to fights, boycotts, and eventally revoultion!
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    This act forced the colonists to stay east of the Appalachian mountains. King George lll did not want to keep protecting the colonists from Indian attacks. The colonists where angry that they just won a war to go west and now tould they could not just made them very angry. So they just ignored it and went west anyways.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    British Parliament
    This act was a tax on sugar and molasses. People got mad, so they boycotted taxed sugar. In other words, they refused to buy taxed sugar. No Taxation without Representation meant they didn't like the law and they wanted a representative.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was about British parliament making taxes on stamps. It required special tax stamps for legal documents, newspapers, dice, cards, etc... Colonists thought it was unfair for parliament to tax colonists since they have no representative in parliament. The results were boycotts, sending petitions to the king, smuggling, and violence.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This forced the colonist to house soilders while they where stationed there.This got the colonist very upset and refused to do it. They thought it wasa violation of there rights and violence turned to the soilders.
  • Townshed Act

    Townshed Act
    This act was on goods such as glass, paper, and tea. This also allowed officers to use writs of assitance. Again the colonist said this was a clear violeation of there rights. Merchants sighed non-importation agreements and they started more boycotts.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This was a horrible day in hisrory. This was date thatn was the colonists falt. 5 people died because of one simple to resovle act. A British solider was being attacked by colonists and when he called for help ovewr 200 colonists surroneded the solioders. Thery where throwing sticks, clubs, ice at the soliders and they did nothing to aggrevate the colonists. This could have been avoided easily but things just got out of control.
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    This act allowed colonists to import tea straight from India. Tea was still taxed, but much cheaper. Colonists thuoght it was a trick to accept being taxed without a representative. On December 16th 1773, the sons of liberty dressed as Mohawk indians and snuck on to India Co. ships and dumped tea into Boston Harbor. The Intolerable Acts was a punishment. Also, the First Continental Congress met.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On this day the colonists had enough of the taxes. So the sons and daughters of liberty dressed as native americans. They snock on a British Tea ship and tossed all the tea over board. Most colonist where pleased by this but the British where virous by this and placed many punishments on the coplonits. This was a big leap to the war.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    [Philadelphia](htt First Continental Congress was a meeting of representatives from 12 of the 13 colonies in Philadelphia, PA in September 1774. They met to discuss how to respond to the Intolerable Acts. The First Continental Congress demanded repeal of the Intolerable Acts.
  • Coercive/Intolerable Acts

    Coercive/Intolerable Acts
    Intolerable ActsThis act was a punishment on Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party. They banned town meetings, closed Boston Harbor until they payed for tea, and made a new quartering act. The colonists were outraged and thought the punishments were too harsh. The other colonies supported Massachusetts. They held the First Continental Congress.
  • Paul Revere`s Ride

    Paul Revere`s Ride
    On this night Paul Revere, Billy Dawes, and Sam Presscott went on a midnight ride to warn the sons and daughters of liberty that the British are coming. The troops went to Concord, MA to seize weapons. Billy Dawes rode to Lexington, Paul went to warn the sons of liberty, and Pressecott joined them later. Paul and Billy got caught but not before getting Sam Adams and John Hancook to escape.Because of these brave men rode they minute men where ready.On the next day would mark the start of the war.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    On this day it marks the beging of the revolutionary war. Thsi sarted out as they British solider and the sons and daughters of liberty standing off at each other but faster than a blink of an eye there guns being fired every where. Now even to this nobody knows who shoot the first bullet. Many thought that the rebals had no chance snd thought they where way in over there heads.