The Treaty of Versailles

By nimko14
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed

    Russia lost territory to Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Lithuania.
  • Germany signed the cease-fire

  • Paris Peace Conference Began

  • A book of 440 aritcles of the conditions of peace was given to Germany

  • The Treaty of Versailles was signed

  • Treaty of St. Germain-en Laye was signed

    Austria lost territory to Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, and Italy.
  • League of Nations headquarters was established in Geneva, Switzerland

  • Treaty of Trianon was signed

    Hungary lost territory to Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia.
  • France and Belgium sent troops into the Ruhr

    Germany was unable to make the reparation payments. The Ruhr was Germany's industrial region. Here, the French and Belgians took coal in place of the money owed.
  • Dawes Plan was put into action

    The Dawes Plan was named after Charles G. Dawes. He became Vice President of the U.S. in 1925. It helped Germany by making the schedule of payments easier. It was unsuccessful and replaced in 1929.
  • Dawes Plan was removes and the Young Plan began

    The Young Plan was named after Owen D. Young. The total reparations owed by Germany were reduced by 75 percent and were to be paid in 59 annual installments. With this plan, it was predicted that Germany would be making payments until 1988. The first payment was made in 1930. Hitler cancelled the payments in 1933.
  • Hitler placed troops in the Rhineland

    Despite this being a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles, neither France nor Britain took any action against Germany.
  • German troops entered Austria

    Despite this being a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles, no one took any action against Germany.
  • World War II begins