
The Sun

  • The sun has about an 11 year cycle.

    In the mid 1800s, astromaners found out that the sun has about an 11 year cycle.
  • Johann Rudolf Wolf

    Johann Rudolf Wolf developed a method called the Wolf Method, wich was made to count sunspots.
  • George Ellery Hale conclusion

    Hale concluded that sunspots are intensly magnetic using his spectroheliograph.
  • Skylab

    Skylab was the first spacecraft with people to study the sun
  • The U.S. Solar Maximum Mission

    The U.S. Solar Maximum Mission to the Sun went from 1980 to 1989. The point of it was to investigate things on the sun, such as solar flares. The mission helped us to find out that the Sun is brighter during maximum sunspot activity.
  • Ulysses Spacecraft went up

    The Ulysses spacecraft was the first spacecraft to study to study the solar regions of the sun.
  • Ulysses mission was terminated

    Before coming down, this spacecraft contained instruments that measured the solar wind, and the magnetic field strength at high solar latitudes.
  • Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory

    NASA launched the STEREO. On the spacecraft, there are two almost identical probes that were inserted into the sun centered orbits. They help all scientists learn more about the sun and coronal mass ejections and solar flares.
  • Solar and Heliosperic Observatory

    SOHO, one of the most successful solar spacecrafts, took photgraphs of the sun, detected complex currents of gas flowing below the visible solar surface, nd discovered large numbers of comets. By July 2011, SOHO detected about 2,000 comets.