The Story of US

  • Apr 30, 1340

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death was a disease that originated from fleas on rats. It killed 1/3 of Europes population. This was impotant because it advancedus into th reformation period.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    The Columbus Voyage

    The Columbus Voyage
    Columbus set out to find a quicker route ti Asia and Found the Cariibean. This sparked an intrest ans sent more exploraty voyages. This was important becuse it gave England the Idea to colonize.
  • Apr 29, 1505

    Martin Luthur Becomes a Monk

    Martin Luthur Becomes a Monk
    Martin Luthur became a Monk beceuse of His Relogious convictions. This was important because it Put him on the path of Reformation.
  • Apr 2, 1513

    Ponce de Leon Explores Florida

    Ponce de Leon Explores Florida
    Ponce de Leon was a French explorer and was sent to the new world to explore he was the first one to find Florida. This was important because this is now one of our states and it might be very diffrent if he had not done this.
  • Apr 29, 1517

    THe posting of the 95 Thesis

    THe posting of the 95 Thesis
    The posting of the 95 thesis also put the reformation into effect and created a new religion. This gave the Europe a new religon which means one of them would be discreminated.
  • Apr 29, 1532

    King Henry Establishes the Anglican Church

    King Henry Establishes the Anglican Church
    King Henry Established the angilcan Church so he would be able to get a divorce. This was very selfish in doing this. This was important because it would bring controversythat would bring about the reformation.
  • Apr 30, 1533

    Desoto Explores the Mississippi River

    Desoto Explores the Mississippi River
    Desoto began exploring the south eastern part of what is now the US and was belived to be the first one to find what is now the Mississippi river. This was important because it would provide a good source of ttransportation in the future.
  • Apr 28, 1537

    King Henry has a Son

    King Henry has a Son
    King Henry finnaly had a son. this maens that all the controversy was because of his selfishness. THis was important because he finnaly had a heir for his throne and bloodline.
  • Apr 29, 1540

    Coranado Explores the Grand Canyon

    Coranado Explores the Grand Canyon
    Cornado explored the south west part of the US and was belived to be the first one to find the Grand Canyon. This was important because in modern times the grand canyon is a very strong source of Inspiration
  • Roanoke Colonization Attempt

    Roanoke  Colonization Attempt
    England tried to colinize before Jamestown. They were called the Roanoke. They misteriously dissapeared without warnind. This was important because it shows how strong the colonist were.
  • Jamestown is Established

    Jamestown is Established
    This was the first permanent colony sent by England. It was where Virgina is now. It was important because it was the begining of America
  • Massachusetts Bay is Established

    Massachusetts Bay is Established
    massachusetts Bay was one of the 13 colonies that were established by the colonists. This was important because the colonies were expanding.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch were a difficult time in history for the colonist. It was a time of accusing and murder. This was important becuse it was a major problem but we got through it.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war was fought between the french and the colonists, The Indians justed helped. It is important becuse it was the reason that England started the taxes in the First place
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty officialy ends the Seven Year War. This means that americans will no longer French. This is is important besauce IT waill make the English Parliment say that colonist could not go beyond the Appilachian Mountains.
  • The Proclimation Act

    The Proclimation Act
    This act said that no British Settlers could go west of the Appalachian Mountains. This upset the colonist ans was the first straw of a long battle. This was important because It started t getting the colonist angry and in preperation for the revolution.
  • Creation of the Sons of Liberty

    Creation of the Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Liberty were a group of very violent, but patriotic men. They were created by a man named Isaac Sears. They basicly held demonstrations to show their anger towards all the taxes. This was important because it probably played a major part in the revolution.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a horrible event where the british solired opened fire on unarmed citizens. It is Important because it made England Repeal all of the tax acts except the tea act.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    The Continental congress was held in Philadelphia. This was were the founding fathers decided to become our own country. This was important because it was our first form of government.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was a letter to the king of England ssaying that the colonist were still loyal citizens of Britin and they were not planning on declaring independance. This was important beceuse after the king rejectedtheir letter we started th revolution.
  • The Declaration of Independance

    The Declaration of Independance
    This government document was basicly a break up letter with England telling them what we didn't like, how they mistreated us, and much more. This was important becuse we actually became a nation
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was a very important document beceuse it ended the american revolution and gave us our independance. This was important because it actually made us a country.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was a pivital point in our history. The US Government bought a large portion of land from France. This was important beceuse if this didn't happen we wouldn't know if that land would be a part of our nation.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    the Underground Railroad was a system of stops that aided thousands of runaway slaves with their escape. This was im \portant because it was the first step towards the Civil War.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    the Trail of Tears is not actually a trail but a name for a time period the US made Native Americans move west. is important to the creation of our nationbecause the population will be very different in America.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal act forced all Native Americans to move westward nd out of their homes. This was important because this shows that that nation could make hard desisons
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail was the first migrants wagon train in the West. It was important because it gave citizens a chance to expand
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush was an active time in history when an amazing amount of people traveled west in hopes of beocming rich. This was important because California's Population might have been very different if this did not happen.
  • Battle of Sumter

    Battle of Sumter
    The battle of fort sumter was the first battle of the Civil War. The South were the first ones to fire. This was impotant because It began a very difficult part of history.
  • Epancimation Proclimation

    Epancimation Proclimation
    The Emancipation Proclimation Was an official document that officaly set all slaves in every US territorys and states. This was important becuse it was the first step in the right direction of comprimise.
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    Surrender at Appomattox
    This was one of the last battles of THe Civil war. The Confederacy Surrenderd to the Union. This was important because it ended a diffucult time in our history.
  • The Assasination of Lincoln

    The Assasination of  Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head while watching a play and was assasinated.This shocked the whole nation, as it was the first time a president was assasinated This was important because it showed that america could stay strong during hard times.