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The Stamp Act

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    A stamp duty was first introduced in England.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    In 1754, the French and Indian War began and lasted up until 1763. This war affected England financially drastically.
  • King George III

    King George III
    King George III became King of England. In his eyes, Parliament had limited powers of the king, so he and his advisers took more control over governing the country and its colonies.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    Britain and France sign the Treaty of Paris, which officially ended the Seven Years’ War. Under the terms listed in the agreement, France gave up control of large amounts of land in North America to British rule. The British government had little money left in its national treasury.
  • Ratification of Sugar Act

    Ratification of Sugar Act
    In an attempt to regain expenses lost during the Seven Years’ War, the British Parliament ratifies the Sugar Act a law that levies an import tax on sugar products brought into the American colonies from the French West Indies. Some colonial merchants, upset with the tariff, launch an informal boycott of sugar products.
  • Further Taxation

    Further Taxation
    On March 22, 1765, Britain further added taxes to the American colonies by passing the Stamp Act, a law that places a tax on paper goods like newspapers, legal contracts, and playing cards. Frustrated with the growing taxation without representation, colonists rioted in New York City and Boston. The Stamp Act was scheduled to go into effect on November 1, 1765.
  • Meeting in the Federal Hall

    Meeting in the Federal Hall
    In October of 1765, delegated from nine American colonies meet in Federal Hall in New York in order to approve resolutions condemning the Stamp Act. The so-called Stamp Act Congress spends about two and a half weeks drafting documents that list colonists’ grievances with the new tax law. The resolutions are then sent to the British Parliament and King George III. Additionally, the Stamp Act Congress endorses a boycott of British goods as a means of protesting the Stamp Act.
  • Anti-Stamp Act riots

    Anti-Stamp Act riots
    In November, riots once again broke out in New York City. A building where stamps are stored was attacked with bricks and rocks, and several officials charged with enforcing the new law are intimidated by protestors. Given the unrest in the colonies surrounding the implementation of the new tariff, few officials actively enforce the Stamp Act.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin speaks out against the Stamp Act during testimony before the British Parliament, warned British legislators that the colonists will not tolerate invasive tax laws that restrict the colonies’ internal trade. Some members of Parliament also denounced the Stamp Act, and urge that it be nullified. Portions of the British business community, hurt by the colonies’ ongoing boycott of British products, pressure Parliament to overturn the law
  • Repealing the Stamp Act

    Repealing the Stamp Act
    On March 18, 1766, King George signed an act repealing the Stamp Act, but simultaneously announcing that Britain has the right to impose laws on the American colonies in the future.
  • Ratification of the Townshend Acts

    Ratification of the Townshend Acts
    The British Parliament ratified the Townshend Acts, which placed a tariff on imported goods such as glass and tea. The new laws quickly were met with opposition in the colonies and cause many colonists to launch an economic boycott of the newly taxed products.
  • The Beginning of the American Revolution

    The Beginning of the American Revolution
    In April, the opening shots of the American Revolution were fired outside of Boston, Massachusetts following years of growing hostility and deteriorating relations between the colonies and Great Britain.
  • Declaring Independence

    Declaring Independence
    In July, representatives form colonial America met in Philadelphia and drafted a formal Declaration of Independence from Great Britain.